Re: Suggested enhancement
- Posted by JEFF ZEITLIN <jeff.zeitlin at EXECNET.COM> Apr 19, 1997
David Cuny wrote (I received this via private mail - I think it probably meant to go to the list)... A::>Jeff Zeitlin suggested being able to pass a sequence of Euphoria code to ::>Euphoria. A::>Sounds like a good suggestion. The biggest problem I can think of would be ::>when an error occured, how would you know *where* it occured? Well, the ex.err dump would show that it happened on an EXECUTE statement/function, and would dump the variables. One of the dumped variables would be the executed code - so you would at least be able to pin it down by that much. If it wasn't passed as a variable, there wouldn't be a lot of code to desk check; it's unlikely in the extreme that one would write more than about a line of code this way - and I can't think of any real reason why someone would want to do so, rather than just writing it directly into the program. Wait, yes I can, but there's still not going to be much code. In the case where it happens in a large chunk of code in a variable, I think it might depend on how it is actually implemented; if I were doing this, I would most likely make it a "back door" to the parser and interpreter routines - much like JPSoftware did when they added the %@EXEC[] function to 4DOS. There would be a small performance hit for EXECUTEd code, but... Anyway, I see no reason why the ex.err report couldn't at least print the offending statement "in EXECUTE parameter" - for example program.ex:41 attempt to divide by 0 in "? 1/0" in EXECUTE parameter Global & Local Variables ...etc. A::>If Robert doesn't want to put this together, one of the list members would ::>certainly be able to write this. Obviously, there would be a performance hit ::>taken if it were coded in Euphoria, but it is doable. Certainly it is - but you'd have to write both the parser _and_ the interpreter, and if you wanted access to Euphoria's debugging facilities, you'd have to write the debugger and trace facilities as well. We'd be talking _major_ performance hit; it might be acceptable if the language you're parsing isn't Euphoria and isn't easily translatable into Euphoria - but I doubt that many people would find it so. One of the major benefits of Euphoria, IMO, is that it is _fast_ and _compact_ - enough so to impress the Borland that wrote the original Turbo Pascal. I don't think that my EXECUTE proposal would slow it down into the realm of most language interpreters; one would gain the flexibility of a LISP interpreter without having to sacrifice the simplicity or a significant portion of the speed of Euphoria. A::>Euphoria itself certainly has an interesting parser, and is lazy when it ::>comes to parsing lines. For example, I can have the line: A::> puts( {}, 1 } A::>and Euphoria parses it happily, only paying attention to the number of ::>arguments (and whether any arguments require parameters), and not attempting ::>any further validation until the line is actually run. Interesting - I would have expected that the built-ins, at least, would have at least as strong type-checking as the user-written routines. OTOH, that might have made it unacceptably difficult to permit overriding of those routines with user code. A::>Also, the 'end' keyword is not part of the language. For example, if you try ::>to run the following code: A::> end A::>you don't get an "unmatched end" error, you get an "unknown command". I get ::>the feeling that each of the structure have their own parsing routines, that ::>scan the input until they find a matching "end" clause. Possibly - it's certainly how I would think to do it... A::>The biggest problem in coding a Euphoria parser in Euphoria is the lack of ::>forward declarations. I'm not sure I perceive why forward declarations would be necessary - would you be willing to elucidate? ========================================================================= Jeff Zeitlin jeff.zeitlin at --- ~ OLXWin 1.00b ~ ..... Help!, The TD has fallen and it can't get up!