Drawing program
- Posted by Jesse Duke <dark at cyax.com> Aug 02, 2004
Here's a simple drawing program to use in the demo section... it's based on mouse.ex. Simple, but... kinda fun and addictive when you run it. Hold left click for draw, click right click for color switch. - - - drawme.ex - - - ---------------- -- mouse test -- ---------------- -- This is a very simple program to demonstrate the get_mouse() built-in -- function. No call is made to mouse_events(), so by default all events are -- reported by get_mouse(). include mouse.e include graphics.e sequence vc vc = video_config() if graphics_mode(17 + vc[VC_COLOR]) then -- 640x480 (16 colors) puts(1, "Can't get good graphics mode\n") abort(1) end if vc = video_config() constant origin = {vc[VC_XPIXELS]/2, vc[VC_YPIXELS]/2} constant MAX_LINE = 5 procedure beep(integer pitch) -- atom t -- sound(pitch) -- t = time() -- while time() < t+0.07 do -- end while -- sound(0) end procedure procedure try_mouse() integer color, line, eventNo, oldx, oldy, newx, newy, drawing object event sequence movement, str color = 14 eventNo = 0 line = 1 oldx = 0 oldy = 0 newx = 0 newy = 0 drawing=0 while 1 do event = get_mouse() if sequence(event) then eventNo += 1 movement = "- -- -- --" oldx=newx oldy=newy newx=event[2] newy=event[3] if and_bits(event[1], MOVE) then movement[1] = 'M' mouse_pointer(0) if(drawing=1) then draw_line(color, {{oldx, oldy}, {newx, newy}}) end if mouse_pointer(1) end if if and_bits(event[1], LEFT_DOWN) then movement[3] = 'D' beep(500) drawing=1 end if if and_bits(event[1], LEFT_UP) then movement[4] = 'U' beep(500) drawing=0 end if if and_bits(event[1], MIDDLE_DOWN) then movement[6] = 'D' beep(1000) end if if and_bits(event[1], MIDDLE_UP) then movement[7] = 'U' beep(1000) end if if and_bits(event[1], RIGHT_DOWN) then movement[9] = 'D' beep(1000) color += 1 if color > 15 then color = 0 end if end if if and_bits(event[1], RIGHT_UP) then movement[10] = 'U' beep(1000) end if if eventNo > 1 then puts(1, str) line += 1 if line > MAX_LINE then line = 1 end if position(line, 1) end if str = sprintf("event# %4d: %s, x:%d, y:%d \r", {eventNo, movement, event[2], event[3]}) text_color(WHITE) puts(1, str) text_color(WHITE) puts(1, '\n' & repeat(' ', length(str))) position(line, 1) end if if get_key() != -1 then exit end if end while end procedure try_mouse() if graphics_mode(-1) then end if