Re: Background Intensity

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I asked:

>Am I missing something?

Lucius replied:

>> Yes you are missing something.
>> Blinking is a foreground attribute

Actually, the PC video will support blinking/intense BACKGROUND colors as
well. The problem is the Euphoria doesn't.

I ran across the problem when trying to get my editor to match the color
scheme of the DOS 7.0 (Win95) editor. The title bar is black against a
bright white background. Naturally, I tried:

    text_color( BLACK )
    bk_color( BRIGHT_WHITE )
    puts( 1, "This should be black on a bright white background." )

This *should* work, but it does not. It turns out that Euphoria will not
allow you to set ANY background color > 8. Robert says that he is making the
correct call to the C graphic toolkit that Euphoria is compiled in, but I
suspect that some setting is not right.

That's what the file INTENSE.E is all about: allowing you to use intense as
well as normal background colors. Incidentally, the file has been renamed to
SCREEN.E in the latest incarnation of the GUI, because there are so many
other tools I've added to the file.

 -- David Cuny

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