fe editor
- Posted by Duffy <eagleranch at plumasnet.com> Dec 13, 2002
To anyone who has downloaded fe apologies, that shouldn't have happened. I just got ahead of myself and didn't do a thorough check before posting it. I've spent the day going through the entire program and changed several hundred variables from integer to atom. There never was a good reason for these to be integers anyways. I also found a couple of small bugs and several places where I had apparently pasted in text and then neglected to delete unneeded portions, these have all been taken care of, however I'm sure there more. The entire program still needs to be cleaned up there are a lot of redundant and unused routines, but I think that it should be usable now. I want to go through the program one more time before resubmitting it, which should be later tonight or early tomorrow morning.