Trapping virtual keys in combo boxes
- Posted by Pete Lomax <petelomax at> Dec 09, 2002
I cannot seem to make windows ignore the pagedown key in a combobox after processing it myself. Below is a test program showing how far I got. I can trap '+' (via w32HKeyDown), ignore it, or set the combobox to "plus". I can trap pagedown (via w32HKeyPress) (if you press pagedown twice, "pagedown" does appear) but cannot stop windows selecting "error" from the dropdown. I have also tried manually resetting it in the onchange event, also with a returnValue(-1) to no avail. Can anyone help me please? If I can't trap it like this, where would be a good place to reset it later? I get the same results using win32lib 0.57.12, 55.5, and 55.1 Pete include win32lib.ew constant MAIN =3D create(Window,"Main",0,0,0,Default,Default,0), Cbox =3D create(ComboBox,"",MAIN,220,4,120,340,0) constant Cstrings =3D {"start","error"} addItem(Cbox,Cstrings) setIndex(Cbox,1) procedure onkeydown(integer self, integer event, sequence params) integer keycode keycode=3Dparams[1] if keycode=3D'+' then -- setText(Cbox,"plus") returnValue(-1) end if if keycode=3DVK_PAGEDOWN then setText(Cbox,"pagedown") returnValue(-1) -- ineffective end if end procedure integer Ctxt -- the editbox child control of the ComboBox sequence void void =3D findChildren(Cbox) Ctxt=3Dvoid[1][1] constant controllist=3D{MAIN,Cbox,Ctxt} setHandler(controllist,{w32HKeyDown,w32HKeyPress}, routine_id("onkeydown")) WinMain(MAIN,Normal)