Problem !!!

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Dear Robert.
        I have a serious problem.  I will for the
mean time work AROUND it.  The problem is that
I have a piece of code that calls for the random
generator 256,000 times.  The Piece of code is
below and as you can see by the comment
that I have TRIED reseeding with different
numbers BUT I keep getting a CAUSEWAY

What is the Max seed number and where
you aware of this Problem?

I am attempting to create a sort routine that
requires FEWER Decisions than any other.
I could Really use that random generator for
testing purposes.
        THANKS Lucius.

integer size--, sl, ssl, chk
sequence unsorted, sorted, sorted2

size = 256
unsorted = repeat(0, size)

for B = 1 to 1000 do
  for A = 1 to size do
    unsorted[A] = rand(256)
  end for
  position(1, 1)
  sorted = sort(unsorted)

  sorted2 = my_sort(unsorted)

  ? compare(sorted, sorted2)
end for

--Lucius Lamar Hilley III
--   E-mail at luciuslhilleyiii at
--  I can only support file transfers of less than 64K and in UUE format.

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