Re: EUPHORIA Digest - 18 Feb 1997 to 19 Feb 1997

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At 02:52 AM 2/20/97 -0500, you wrote:

>I tried it without the quotes.  When I double click on the icon, the screen
>goes blank for a couple seconds, then returns to Windows Explorer without
>starting the program.  It runs OK with the quotes, but doesn't repeat.
>Steve Elder

What's with the fancy while...loop procedures? Try my version below.
(only two changes!!!)

-- file dialog.e
-- enables simple text input and output

include get.e
include graphics.e

global function input(sequence prompt)
-- print a message and read in a number
-- returns the number, that can either be an integer or an atom(float)
sequence input, curpos
    input = {1, 0}              -- this initializes the variable input with
                                -- values that are *not* valid
    puts(1, prompt)             -- put message on screen
    while input[1] do           -- repeat until valid number
        curpos = get_position() -- read current cursor position
        input = get(0)          -- read from the keyboard
        position(curpos[1], curpos[2])  -- back to position if not valid
    end while
    puts(1, '\n')               -- to start on a new line when back from
                                -- function
    return input[2]             -- the second element of input is returned
                                -- and should contain a valid number
end function    -- input()

-- Input of a string with a prompt:

global function prompt_in(sequence prompt)
sequence in_string              -- to read in the input
    puts(1, prompt)             -- put prompt (question) on the screen
    in_string = gets(0) -- read string input from the keyboard
    puts(1, '\n')               -- to start on a new line when back from
                                -- function
        -- return the input string now, but strip off the last character,
        -- since that is a 'new line' character (ASCII 10)
    return in_string[1..length(in_string) - 1]
end function    -- prompt_in()

-- file hockey.ex
-- reads in and prints team results.

include dialog.e

sequence team
atom halt
integer won, lost, tie, points

while 1 do    --endless loop

team = prompt_in("\t Team: ")
won = input("\t Won : ")
lost = input("\t Lost: ")
tie = input("\t Tie : ")
points = won * 2 + tie
puts(1,"\t Team \t \t Won Lost Tie Points \n\n")
printf(1,"\t %-14s %3d %4d %3d %6d \n", {team} & won & lost & tie & points)

halt = input ("\t Do another? 1 = yes 2 = no ")
if halt != 1 then   --checks whether you hit 1 or not
end if

end while
-- EOF

The Reaper  (J. Lays)
reaper at  ........................
               . .. -||..........__......  "There are no miracles,
                . /  ||......../-- \\.::::  Just dreams that come true,
             . ..|   ||...... / o o| |.:::  By the actions of someone
               .|  _-||.......|| ^ / /.:::: Who didn't waste time dreaming."
              ..| |..||...... -\_- \ |\-.:::
               .| |.[< \ .../            \.::
                .||.|||\|\ |  -REAPER- .  \.::::
               ...|.\|| |  \  |        |   |.:::.

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