Rebirth 3D Engine
- Posted by Mike The Spike <mtsreborn at> Mar 30, 2001
Hmmm... Back in '99, when I was first fiddling around with Euphoria for Windows, I made a little 3D game engine for Euphoria, wich has hardware acceleration for D3D-based cards... It consists out of a single DLL, and a single Euphoria include file... I came accross this engine and thought about releasing it... You know, a no strings attached, do with it what you want, kinda release... What is this engine capable of anyways? Features; - Cubic Collision Detection - Scene Culling (something like BSP, but better) - Skeletal Animation Support - Support for .x and .3ds files (for levels/models) - Automagic LOD for meshes - Full Screen and Windowed mode - Hardware-Accelerated Particle Effects - 3D Sprites - Fog - Dynamic Colored Lighting (Spot, Ambient, Point) - Wireframe, unlit, flat, colored, and gouraud shading - Laughably Easy Euphoria API, Even Your Dog Can Code Quake 4 With It The only crappy thing is that the DX version it supports, since it was written a long time ago, is DX 5.0... But an upgrade to 6.0 wouldn't be too much trouble, anything bigger than 6.0 would break the engine, though... I'm gonna ask this only once... Does *anyone* want this? You can download a freeware 3D modeler that exports to 3ds format to create levels and characters, and in an instant create your own cool commercial-quality 3D game... If no one wants this, fine with me, if someone does want this, I will do my best to touch it up a bit to make it more 2001-quality, and post it on the archive... Let me know... Mike The Spike