Matt - EuSQL stuff

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Sorry it took so long but I finally got around to working with EuSQL 
some more and here's what I have found thus far:

- I have started working on a version of SQL4Less using EuSQL.  I tried 
implementing EuSQL into SQL4Less but you had some constants with the 
same names in both includes so I opted to leave the ODBC version alone 
and come up with a standalone EuSQL version.
- In my testing I have discovered that the sequence nesting of the 
returned data results are different if you use 'select *' versus 'select 
field_name...'.  In my EuSQL4Less I issued a 'select field_name, ...' 
and the logic worked fine (although I still have some formatting issues 
to deal with).  When I issued a 'select * against the same file my 
program crashes because the sequence nesting is different.
- I tried doing a select field_name where field_name like 'jo*' and a 
crash happened in eusql.e.  I also tried an update statement with the 
same results.  Is there something specific to doing these statements 
with EuSQL?
- I noticed that issuing a 'select *' returned * as the field name list. 
 In ODBC I believe a 'select *' returns all the field names.  

So here's the first stab at EuSQL4Less:

without warning
with trace
include Win32Lib.ew
include eusql.e

global constant Main = create( Window, "EuSQL for Less", 0, Default, 
Default, 590, 437, { WS_DLGFRAME, WS_SYSMENU} )
global constant SQLStatusBar = create( StatusBar, "", Main, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
0 )
global constant ConnButton = create( PushButton, "Connect", Main, 488, 
4, 90, 30, 0 )
global constant DiscButton = create( PushButton, "Disconnect", Main, 
488, 36, 90, 30, 0 )
global constant SQLEdit = create( RichEdit, "", Main, 0, 4, 484, 136, 
or_all({ES_NOHIDESEL}) )
global constant ExecSQLButton = create( PushButton, "Execute", Main, 
488, 72, 90, 30, 0 )
global constant ClrHistButton = create( PushButton, "Clear History", 
Main, 488, 145, 90, 30, 0 )
global constant SQLHistList = create( DropDownList, "", Main, 0, 145, 
484, 112, 0 )
global constant ResultsLV = create( ListView, {""}, Main, 0, 170, 484, 

atom sv_col_count, last_rec, hstmt
sequence sv_status, sql_stmts, log_file_path
sv_col_count = 1                  
last_rec = 0
sv_status = {}
sql_stmts = {}                    

function Format(object obj)
    sequence rtn_seq
    rtn_seq = {}
    if integer(obj) then 
        rtn_seq = sprintf("%d", obj)
    elsif atom(obj) then 
        rtn_seq = sprintf("%f", obj)
        rtn_seq = obj
    end if      
    return rtn_seq
end function
procedure ExecuteEDSSQL()
    sequence wrk_data, sql  
    object data, eds_rtn_val            
    atom rtn_code 
    integer ok  
    sql = {}               
    wrk_data = {} 
    last_rec = 0
    if sv_col_count > 0 then 
        for i = 1 to sv_col_count do 
            rtn_code = sendMessage(ResultsLV, LVM_DELETECOLUMN, 0, i-1) 
        end for 
    end if 
    sql = getRichText( SQLEdit, -1 )  
    sv_status = getText(SQLStatusBar) 
    setText(SQLStatusBar, "Executing SQL statment...please wait") 
    eds_rtn_val = parse_sql(sql) 
    if atom(eds_rtn_val) then
        ok = message_box(get_sql_err(eds_rtn_val), "EDS SQL Error", 
    end if 
    data = run_query(eds_rtn_val) 
    if sequence( data ) then           
        for i = 1 to length(data[1]) do
            insertListViewColumn(ResultsLV, i, 0, 0, 60, data[1][i], 0) 
        end for
	wrk_data = {}
        for x = 1 to length(data[2]) do          
	    wrk_data = {}
	    for y = 1 to length(data[2][x]) do
      	        wrk_data = append(wrk_data, Format(data[2][x][y]))
	    end for
	ok = addLVItem( ResultsLV, 0, wrk_data)
        end for 
        sv_col_count = length(data[2][1])         
        sv_col_count = 0
    end if        
    if find(sql, sql_stmts) = 0 then 
        addItem(SQLHistList, sql) 
        sql_stmts = append(sql_stmts, sql) 
    end if 
    setText(SQLStatusBar, sv_status[1])
end procedure

procedure Main_onClose ()
    integer log_file                  
    log_file = open(log_file_path, "w")    
    if log_file >= 0 then
        for i = 1 to getCount(SQLHistList) do
            puts(log_file, getItem(SQLHistList, i))
            puts(log_file, '\n')
        end for
    end if
end procedure
onClose[Main] = routine_id("Main_onClose")

procedure Main_onOpen ()
    sequence dsn
    integer ok,log_file
    object line
    setEnable(DiscButton, False)
    setEnable(ExecSQLButton, False)
    log_file_path = current_dir() & "\\sqllog.txt"
    log_file = open(log_file_path, "r")
    if log_file >= 0 then   
        while 1 do
            line = gets(log_file)
            if atom(line) then
            end if
            line = line[1..(length(line) - 1)]
            addItem(SQLHistList, line)
            sql_stmts = append(sql_stmts, line)
        end while
    end if
    setText(SQLStatusBar, "Click Connect to open an EDS database")
end procedure
onOpen[Main] = routine_id("Main_onOpen")

procedure ConnButton_onClick ()
    sequence user, auth, eds_file
    integer ok, rtn_code
    user = {} 
    auth = {} 
    eds_file = {}
    eds_file = getOpenFileName(Main, "", {"EDB Files", "*.edb"})
    if length(eds_file) > 0 then
        rtn_code = db_open(eds_file, DB_LOCK_NO)
        if rtn_code != DB_OK then
            ok = message_box("Could not open file!", "File error",
            setText(SQLStatusBar, sv_status[1])
        end if
        rtn_code = db_select_table("TABLEDEF")
        if rtn_code != DB_OK then
            ok = message_box("Required TABLEDEF not found!",
                             "Table Error", MB_OK)
            setText(SQLStatusBar, sv_status[1])
        end if
        setText(SQLStatusBar, "Connected to file: " & eds_file)
        setEnable(ConnButton, False)  
        setEnable(ExecSQLButton, True)  
        setEnable(DiscButton, True)          
    end if
end procedure
onClick[ConnButton] = routine_id("ConnButton_onClick")

procedure DiscButton_onClick ()
    integer ok 
    setEnable(ConnButton, True) 
    setEnable(ExecSQLButton, False) 
    setEnable(DiscButton, False)                   
    setText(SQLStatusBar, "Click Connect to open an EDS database")
end procedure
onClick[DiscButton] = routine_id("DiscButton_onClick")

procedure SQLEdit_onGotFocus ()
    sv_status = getText(SQLStatusBar)
    setText(SQLStatusBar, "Type and SQL statement and click Execute")
end procedure
onGotFocus[SQLEdit] = routine_id("SQLEdit_onGotFocus")

procedure SQLEdit_onLostFocus ()
    setText(SQLStatusBar, sv_status[1])
end procedure
onLostFocus[SQLEdit] = routine_id("SQLEdit_onLostFocus")

procedure ExecSQLButton_onClick ()
end procedure
onClick[ExecSQLButton] = routine_id("ExecSQLButton_onClick")

procedure ClrHistButton_onClick ()
    sql_stmts = {}
    last_rec = 0
end procedure
onClick[ClrHistButton] = routine_id("ClrHistButton_onClick")

procedure SQLHistList_onChange ()
    sequence sql_stmt
    sql_stmt = {}
    setText(SQLEdit, getItem(SQLHistList, getIndex(SQLHistList)))
end procedure
onChange[SQLHistList] = routine_id("SQLHistList_onChange")

WinMain( Main, Normal )


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