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You saw the 3DEL, (3D Engines List) and think 'Hey!
That's cool! Lemme download one!'...
But then you figure 'Oh crap! I can't use these with
Euphoria, for they are C libraries!!'...

[Intermezzo; What do you nottice? That Euphoria should
be able to link to C libraries, like I showed you with
the translator and MTSECW.]

So you figure; "No biggy! Let's download a 3D Engine
for Euphoria from the Archive!"...
No engines??
Why is that??

[Intermezzo; The reason for there being no engines is
because of the fact that Euphoria is too slow to code
one in, and you can't use special toolkits like Direct
X or Glide to boost performance, because Eu don't
support linking to COM and C libraries.]

Ah well, let's forget about this and download Morfit
anyways, as it's the only engine there for Euphoria. I
guess I'll have to put up with the poor performance,
restricting liberty, closed-sourceness, unportability,
unextendibility, and that damned logo that pops up at
startup. Oh, and I can't sell my games eighter...
Yet even if I could, who'd buy a game that was coded
with a toy like Morfit? NO ONE!

Why is MTS jumping onto 3D engines and games again?
Because let's face it, EVERYONE HERE is here for the
sole fact that videogames exist.
Is it the 50 year old ex-BASICA coder that started out
programming trying to create some platform games for
the C64 back in the 80's?
Or that 17 year old nebie that saw Quake III and
thought he could make a better game, he looked up how,
and found out he should learn how to 'Program'...

Games games games, they are the number one
entertainement market out there, beating movies (there
are more people with a Gameboy that people with a
You wanna make cash as a coder?
Big cash?
While working at home?
You start coding a game.

Now why is it that Euphoria is so damned bad at game

No, that's not a question...
It's an awnser, see, this is why;

- No COM support (DX? Nope, sorry...)
- No portability (PSX? PS2? N64? Nope, sorry...)
- No interfacing with C (Glide? Glut? Nope, sorry...)

And... And... (*shakes fist*) ...ah (w)hell, you get
my drift...

Mike The Spike

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