- Posted by willabamm at Mar 01, 2001
Thank You All! I apologize for 1) My spelling (Kat) 2) For being impatiant. I took a hard blow this month. I went and learnd a program called RPG Maker and made a couple of games, and went to sell tham and was told that I can only distribute them as freeware, or be sued. This was hard to me and my family, we have little income, I got a huge criminale record, ( I have been stright for 3 yrs. I got married and settle down), I know this is my fault. but I can't get a job, and I live in a tourist town with little job opertunity. So I went into game programing, but found C++ hard to learn. I then investergated other programing languages, and decided too try eaiser one first. So i would like to convert these games into something I can sell and make some money! Again Sorry for the trouble, and yes belive it or not I did read the install instructions.