Re: On recursion
- Posted by DB James <larches at ?omcast.?et> Jul 21, 2007
Al Getz wrote: > > DB James wrote: > > <SNIP> > > In any case, I have found recursive use of functions to be quite handy > in the past too. For example, i had to call a function that performed > a rather intensive algorithm, but inside it had to decide whether > the results of that algo were accurate enough to return a value or > if it should switch to a smaller step size (like 1/10 the original) > and perform the same algo only on each of the new (smaller) 10 steps > (the algo gets more and more accurate as the step size is reduced, > but small step size is not required to get accurate results over all > the time frame). > > This doesnt sound too hard to do, but what makes it interesting is > that once *those* 10 steps are started, it may become necessary to > break one of those steps into 10 parts too, and then that could > happen also with those 10 parts too, etc. It requires much less > code to write this kind of thing as a recursive function so that > the function can perform the accuracy test and then call itself 10 > times if need be, and within those 10 new smaller parts perform the > same test and possibly call itself again 10 more times for each of > those larger 10 parts (or just some of them). > It worked out pretty nicely. > > > Al Hi Al, Good reply, Al, Thanks. I noted your "but what makes it interesting is..." and wanted to answer to that. While sometimes programming is like typing, other times it is a pure pleasure, a series of discoveries that, even though others may have got there long ago, it is new again when we personally find it. I have often avoided reading how others solved a problem for the fun of finding a solution. Your example of the recursion to fine-tune an answer is a good one. The user doesn't have to tell the algorithm how to proceed, it adjusts its behavior as needed to get the job done. Cool. Here is an example of a small discovery of mine (and yes I know it probably be done better) recently: --===================================================================== global function Chance(atom chance) --input is a number>0 and <1 --output is 1 if the chance occurred, 0 otherwise --e.g.: Chance(3/100) ==> .03 ==> 3000 chances in 100000 total chances integer iPower atom totChances if chance<=0 or chance>=1 then return 0 end if iPower=0 --power(10,0)=1 while chance<1000 do chance*=10 iPower+=1 totChances=power(10,iPower) end while if rand(totChances)<=floor(chance) then return 1 end if return 0 end function --===================================================================== It is used this way: if Chance(77/100) then doWhatever() end if The line that was enjoyable to figure out was (and re-formatting): while chance<1000 do chance*=10 iPower+=1 totChances=power(10,iPower) end while It isn't recursion, but does "call itself" to "zoom-up" the numbers until they are a certain size so rand() can do its thing. While improving the language and the libraries is a Good Thing, I will often happily reinvent the wheel for the sheer pleasure of it. --Quark