Re: Missing in misc.e
- Posted by Pete Lomax <petelomax at blueyonder??> Jul 19, 2007
Jason Gade wrote: > how is the language supposed to grow at all? Put the new code in say minmax.e instead. Far as I know there is no law stating that we cannot have more than 13 files in Euphoria/include. CChris, some suggestions for you (untested):
constant FMM_MIN = 2, -- look for min, so do compare()=-1 \ Picked so that "1-and_bits(mode,2)" FMM_MAX = 0, -- look for max, so do compare()=+1 / gives us the -1 or +1 we need. FMM_IDX = 0, -- return idx as result FMM_VAL = 1 -- return value as result constant FMM_MINIDX = FMM_MIN + FMM_IDX, FMM_MINVAL = FMM_MIN + FMM_VAL, FMM_MAXIDX = FMM_MAX + FMM_IDX, FMM_MAXVAL = FMM_MAX + FMM_VAL type nonmts(object s) if sequence(s) then if length(s) then return 1 end if end if return 0 end type function find_minmax(sequence s, integer mode) -- -- locates the largest or smallest value in s. -- s must be a non-empty sequence. -- mode should be one of FMM_MINIDX, FMM_MINVAL, FMM_MAXIDX, or FMM_MAXVAL -- (see find_min/find_max/get_min/get_max) -- eg: -- k = find_minmax(s1,FMM_MINIDX) -- v = find_minmax(s1,FMM_MAXVAL) -- integer comparecode, result_idx object result_val, this comparecode = 1-and_bits(mode,FMM_MIN) -- ie: -- if and_bits(mode,FMM_MIN) then -- comparecode = -1 -- else -- comparecode = +1 -- end if result_val=s[1] result_idx=1 for i=2 to length(s) do this=s[i] if compare(this,result_val)=comparecode then result_val=this result_idx=i end if end for if and_bits(mode,FMM_VAL) then return result_val else return result_idx end if end function global function find_min(nonmts s) -- returns the index of smallest value in s. -- s must be a non-empty sequence. return find_minmax(s,FMM_MINIDX) end function global function find_max(nonmts s) -- returns the index of largest value in s. -- s must be a non-empty sequence. return find_minmax(s,FMM_MAXIDX) end function global function get_min(nonmts s) -- returns the smallest value in s. -- s must be a non-empty sequence. return find_minmax(s,FMM_MINVAL) end function global function get_max(nonmts s) -- returns the largest value in s. -- s must be a non-empty sequence. return find_minmax(s,FMM_MAXVAL) end function
I don't know what an ibject is, and there is no point in adding min and max functions to this file, unless you make them global ;-P. Regards, Pete