ODBC.e bug!
- Posted by Jonas Temple <jtemple at yht?.net> Jul 11, 2007
Just found this one and wanted to post the fix for anyone who's using ODBC.E and fetching results in blocks. What I found was when using a fixed block count, for example 100, a record was being skipped. So you would get row 1-100 on the first pass and then 102-201 on the second. Here's the patch that needs to be applied in getData() at the end of the main fetch loop:
-- This is the way the end of the while loop should look. Add the following line: if (rec_count < max_records or max_records < 0) then fetch = c_func( SQLFetch, { hs } ) -- Then add this "end if" end if end while
Jonas Temple http://www.innovativesys.net