Saving a sequence to disk...

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Saving a sequence to disk is ready...
        Because the file is so small, i have attachted it to this mail,
cause is must be of some interest for most people on the list-serv.
        Ever seen the directory of the Lion King (you know, the game). Have
you noticed that there is only ONE file containing all the data. But
most Euphoria programs have zillions of files.... ..why??
        Well, no need anymore with these new routines.

        sequence = edo_load ( file_name )

        Returns the object saved in file_name as an sequence, (atoms and
integer become one-length sequences: 5 to {5}, normal sequences are
restored identical to the object that was saved.

        boolean = edo_save( file_name , object )

        It saves the Euphoria object (either of type object, atom or
sequence) to file_name maintaining it's structure in the shortest way
possible and with compression.
        If it isn't a sequence it becomes a one-length sequence ( 5 to {5} )
        It is being saved in the shortest data type possible, and then after
that the compression routine of Daniel Berstein compresses the given
bits of data and writes it to disk. His code and my old EDM.E code
are combined and altered so they can easiliy work together and the
result is powerfull.

        I strongly support the update of the sfx2 and font library to handle
sequences containing the file data, normally loaded.

        Offcourse everybody can see the posibilities for graphics, levels,
highscores, multi-file compression tools and the most important one:

        I also support the extension of EDO, which stands for Euphoria Data
Object, but you can use any extension you want.

        Hope some of you like this.... it is very good replacement for the
gfx_file.e included in the engine of XP3.

        And now i'm going to bed, i have school in 8 hours, oops!
 Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen
nieuwen at

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   ---- File information -----------
     Date:  28 May 1997, 23:27
     Size:  3044 bytes.
     Type:  ZIP-archive

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