Interfacing Euphoria to industrial processes
- Posted by =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs_Consuegra?= <jconsuegra at REDESTB.ES> Feb 07, 1997
------=_NextPart_000_01BC1523.E2ABA670 I'm just newcomer to Euphoria. I downloaded it yesterday and after a really short time, I've ben able to learn the basics... Great... I use programming languages mainly to control equipment via i/o ports on the PC. My favourite langauges (before Euphoria) were Forth, Borland Pascal and some C variants (PCC, MicroC, ...). What I'm trying now is to use Euphoria as a replacement for all the above. But I miss an important feature, some kind of port Input-Output procedure (like peek and poke for memory). Looking at the examples, I tryed to implement the first function: A procedure to delay a number of milliconds via INT #15 code 86. But I'm unable to make it run properly. I enclose two files containing the code. The first one (REALTIME.E) is where the Delay procedure is defined. The other one (DELAY.EX) is the test program. I'll appreciate any help in fixing this. Having Delay, GetPort and PutPort working and with the nice graphical capabilities of Euphoria, the interface with the control world can be a dream-- Jesus -- (From Sitges, Catalonia, Spain) ------=_NextPart_000_01BC1523.E2ABA670 Content-Description: Realtime.e () Content-Description: Delay.ex ()