Re: DOS/Windows installer 3.x

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Robert Craig wrote:

> Juergen Luethje wrote:
>> Suggestions for improvement of the DOS/Windows installer:
>> a) It should make a copy of "autoexec.bat" before changing that file.
>> b) It should assign _short_ path names to the environment variables in
>>    "autoexec.bat".
>>    I know, on an English Windows version Euphoria will be installed by
>>    default to the directory "C:\Programs\Euphoria". Since no part of
>>    this path has more than 8 characters, there will be no problem.
>>    But people might chose a diffwerent location, or for instance in
>>    German it is "Programme" instead of "Programs".
>>    So the installer should write to a German "autoexec.bat" e.g.
>>       SET EUDIR=C:\Progra~1\Euphoria
>>    instead of
>>       SET EUDIR=C:\Programme\Euphoria
>>    This is important, because plain DOS can only process short names.
>>    The following Windows function converts an existing long path name to
>>    a short name:
>> <snip>
>>    Maybe a program that uses a function like this can help.
>> Rob, if you want, you can also send me the setup script
>> (I assume you are using INNO setup), and I'll see what I can do.
> Thanks. My impression was that long PATH names worked with DOS
> unless they had a blank in them, in which case there was a glitch
> in some special situation. Maybe someone can test it.

On bare DOS, without IFSMgr (i.e. Windows 95+) or any special TSR
program running in the background, the part of a file or directory name
before the dot can have 1 to 8 characters, and the extension can have
0 to 3 characters. An _additional_ limitation of bare DOS is, that
the names must not contain blanks.
See e.g. <>

I have tested it on bare MS-DOS 7.10 (the version that ships with
Windows 98) just now:

Assigning long names to the following environment variables
in "autoexec.bat" alone works fine.

But the problem is, that on bare DOS there are no directories
on my hard drive!!

So when I e.g. change to directory "D:\temp", and try to launch the
existing Eu program "D:\temp\test.ex", it looks like this:
D:\TEMP>ex.exe test.ex
Befehl oder Dateiname nicht gefunden.
( Translation: Command or file name not found. )

Ex.exe couldn't be found ...
Using the command

shows me, that the name of the concerning directory is
      and not

Then I changed "autoexec.bat", so that it contained the lines
and rebooted the PC.

Now the environment variables contained the correct existing path names,
and instead of an error message I got:
D:\TEMP>ex.exe test.ex
Hello from Euphoria

The hassle with long/short filenames does not cause problems in
_special_ situations, but in very many standard situations.

Now someone might think: "Why support bare DOS?".
My answer would be:
Ex.exe is a program for bare DOS, and Autoexec.bat is a file for bare
DOS anyway. So of course the commands in Autoexec.bat should work on
bare DOS.

> Here's the INNO script that I currently use.
> Alberto Gonzalez wrote it originally, but I've
> changed it a lot since then. Note that on my machine
> there's an extra directory, euphoria\htx. It contains
> the true source of the docs, as well as some helper
> Euphoria programs for the install. I should
> release that eventually. It gets deleted after the
> doc and htm files are generated.
> Generating doc and html from htx during the install
> saves a bit of space in the installation file.
> I'm not sure if its worth it.

I see. So I cannot actually test the script and build the installation
file myself.

> ----------------------------------
> ; -- Inno Setup script to install Euphoria by Rapid Deployment Software
> ; --
> ;
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; -- Euphoria can be found as
> ; -- The Inno Setup compiler can be found at and
> is free
> ; --
> ;
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; -- Created by Alberto Gonzalez (of Nomadic Soul Concepts - NomSCon)
> ; -- EMail: al at
> ; --
> [Setup]
> AppName=Euphoria
> AppVersion=3.0
> AppVerName=Euphoria v3.0
> AppPublisher=Rapid Deployment Software
> AppPublisherURL=
> AppSupportURL=
> AppUpdatesURL=
> DefaultDirName=C:\EUPHORIA
> DefaultGroupName=Euphoria
> AllowNoIcons=yes
> ;AlwaysCreateUninstallIcon=yes
> ;LicenseFile=license.txt
> ; uncomment the following line if you want your installation to run on NT 3.51
> too.
> ;MinVersion=4,3.51
> DisableStartupPrompt=yes
> DisableReadyPage=yes
> OutputDir=..\Setup
> OutputBaseFilename=e30setup
> Compression=lzma
> SolidCompression=yes
> ChangesAssociations=yes
> InfoBeforeFile=c:\euphoria\htx\before.txt
> InfoAfterFile=c:\euphoria\htx\after.txt
> Uninstallable=no
> [Types]
> Name: "full"; Description: "Full installation"
> Name: "custom"; Description: "Custom installation"; Flags: iscustom
> ;[Components]
> ;Name: "main"; Description: "Core files (Interpreter and Translator)"; Types:
> full; Flags: fixed
> ;Name: "docs"; Description: "Documentation and Tutorial"; Types: full; Flags:
> fixed
> ;Name: "demos"; Description: "Demonstration programs"; Types: full; Flags:
> fixed
> ;Name; "source"; Description: "Source code"; Types: full; Flags: fixed
> ;[Tasks]
> ;Name: "associate"; Description: "&Associate file extensions";

According to what several people wrote here in the past, they would
appreciate it, if the [Tasks] section will be enabled.
Then the install wizard will have an additional page that looks like

The [Tasks] section itself has no effect on the installation.
In order to work properly, to each concerning command you'll have to add
   Tasks: associate
Then the installer will only associate the file extensions, if the user
has checked the option.

> [Dirs]
> Name: "{app}\backup"; Flags: deleteafterinstall
> Name: "{app}\HTML";
> Name: "{app}\DOC";
> [Files]
> ; Save all Euphoria subdirectories to backup subdirectory (can't use
> recursesubdirs
> here)
> ; bin
> Source: "{app}\bin\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\backup\bin"; Flags: confirmoverwrite
> external skipifsourcedoesntexist
> ; include
> Source: "{app}\include\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\backup\include"; Flags:
> confirmoverwrite
> external skipifsourcedoesntexist
> ; doc
> Source: "{app}\doc\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\backup\doc"; Flags: confirmoverwrite
> external skipifsourcedoesntexist
> ; htm
> Source: "{app}\html\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\backup\html"; Flags:
> confirmoverwrite
> external skipifsourcedoesntexist
> ; tutorial
> Source: "{app}\tutorial\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\backup\tutorial"; Flags:
> confirmoverwrite
> external skipifsourcedoesntexist
> ; demo
> Source: "{app}\demo\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\backup\demo"; Flags:
> confirmoverwrite
> external skipifsourcedoesntexist
> ; demo\dos32
> Source: "{app}\demo\dos32\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\backup\demo\dos32"; Flags:
> confirmoverwrite
> external skipifsourcedoesntexist
> ; demo\win32
> Source: "{app}\demo\win32\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\backup\demo\win32"; Flags:
> external
> skipifsourcedoesntexist
> ; demo\langwar
> Source: "{app}\demo\langwar\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\backup\demo\langwar"; Flags:
> external skipifsourcedoesntexist
> ; demo\bench
> Source: "{app}\demo\bench\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\backup\demo\bench"; Flags:
> external
> skipifsourcedoesntexist
> ; source
> Source: "{app}\source\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\backup\source"; Flags: external
> skipifsourcedoesntexist
> ; top level
> Source: "{app}\readme.doc"; DestDir: "{app}\backup"; Flags: external
> skipifsourcedoesntexist
> Source: "{app}\readme.htm"; DestDir: "{app}\backup"; Flags: external
> skipifsourcedoesntexist
> Source: "{app}\License.txt"; DestDir: "{app}\backup"; Flags: external
> skipifsourcedoesntexist
> ; Temporary Programs used to update AUTOEXEC.BAT in Windows 95, 98 and ME,
> ; create the docs, and exwc.exe (see [Run] section below)
> Source: c:\euphoria\bin\exw.exe; DestDir: {tmp}; CopyMode:alwaysoverwrite; 
> Flags: deleteafterinstall;
> Source: c:\euphoria\bin\makecon.exw; DestDir: {tmp}; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Flags: deleteafterinstall;
> Source: c:\euphoria\htx\setupae2.exw; DestDir: {tmp}; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Flags: deleteafterinstall;  MinVersion: 4.0,0
> Source: c:\euphoria\htx\doc2.exw; DestDir: {tmp}; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite;
> Flags: deleteafterinstall;
> Source: c:\euphoria\htx\combine2.exw; DestDir: {tmp}; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Flags: deleteafterinstall;
> ; Files to Install
> ;Root
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\FILE_ID.DIZ; DestDir: {app}; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\License.txt; DestDir: {app}; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite;
> ;BIN
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\EX.EXE; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\EXW.EXE; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\BACKEND.EXE; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\BACKENDW.EXE; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\SYNCOLOR.E; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\BIN.DOC; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\KEYWORDS.E; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\ED.EX; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\LINES.EX; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\ASCII.EX; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: "C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\KEY.EX"; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\GURU.EX; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\WHERE.EX; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\SEARCH.EX; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\EPRINT.EX; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\LINES.BAT; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\GURU.BAT; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\EPRINT.BAT; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\ED.BAT; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> MinVersion: 0,4.0
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\OLDED.BAT; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; DestName: ed.bat;
> CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite; MinVersion: 4.0,0
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\CDGURU.BAT; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\SEARCH.BAT; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\ASCII.BAT; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\WHERE.BAT; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: "C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\KEY.BAT"; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\MAKE31.EXW; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\MAKECON.EXW; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\EUINC.ICO; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\EC.EXE; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\ECW.EXE; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\LE23P.EXE; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\CWC.EXE; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\CWSTUB.EXE; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\LIBALLEG.A; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\BIND.BAT; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\BINDW.BAT; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\SHROUD.BAT; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\EC.A; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\EC.LIB; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\ECFASTFP.LIB; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\ECW.LIB; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\ECWB.LIB; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\ECWL.LIB; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\BIN\EUPHORIA.ICO; DestDir: {app}\BIN\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\DEMO\*.*; DestDir: {app}\DEMO\; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite;
> Flags: recursesubdirs;
> ;HTX
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\HTX\*.HTX; DestDir: {tmp}; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\INCLUDE\*.E; DestDir: {app}\INCLUDE\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\INCLUDE\EUPHORIA.H; DestDir: {app}\INCLUDE\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\source\*.*; DestDir: {app}\SOURCE\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> Source: C:\EUPHORIA\TUTORIAL\*.*; DestDir: {app}\TUTORIAL\; CopyMode:
> alwaysoverwrite;
> [INI]
> ; shortcut file to launch Rapid Euphoria website
> Filename: {app}\RapidEuphoria.url; Section: InternetShortcut; Key: URL;
> String:
> [Icons]
> ; Icons (shortcuts) to display in the Start menu
> Name: {group}\Euphoria Manual; Filename: {app}\html\refman.htm
> Name: {group}\Euphoria on the Web; Filename: {app}\RapidEuphoria.url
> Name: {group}\Euphoria (Win); Filename: {app}\BIN\EXW.EXE
> Name: {group}\Euphoria (Dos); Filename: {app}\BIN\EX.EXE
> Name: {group}\Euphoria Editor; Filename: {app}\BIN\ED.bat
> [UninstallDelete]
> Type: files; Name: {app}\RapidEuphoria.url
> [Registry]
> ;set EUDIR environment variable and add to PATH on NT/2000/XP machines
> ROOT: HKCU; Subkey: "Environment"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "EUDIR";
> ValueData:
> "{app}"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; MinVersion: 0, 3.51
> ROOT: HKCU; Subkey: "Environment"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "PATH";
> ValueData:
> "{app}\BIN;{reg:HKCU\Environment,PATH}"; MinVersion: 0, 3.51
> ;associate .exw files to be called by EXW.exe
> Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".exw"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData:
> "EUWinApp";
> Flags: uninsdeletevalue createvalueifdoesntexist

Tasks: associate

> Root: HKCR; Subkey: "EUWinApp"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData:
> "Euphoria Windows App"; Flags: uninsdeletekey createvalueifdoesntexist

Tasks: associate

> Root: HKCR; Subkey: "EUWinApp\DefaultIcon"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "";
> ValueData: "{app}\BIN\EXW.EXE,0"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
> createvalueifdoesntexist

Tasks: associate

> Root: HKCR; Subkey: "EUWinApp\shell\open\command"; ValueType: string;
> ValueName:
> ""; ValueData: """{app}\BIN\EXW.EXE"" ""%1"""; Flags: uninsdeletekey
> createvalueifdoesntexist

Tasks: associate

> ;associate .ex files to be called by EX.exe
> Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".ex"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData:
> "EUDOSApp";
> Flags: uninsdeletevalue createvalueifdoesntexist
> Root: HKCR; Subkey: "EUDOSApp"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData:
> "Euphoria DOS App"; Flags: uninsdeletekey createvalueifdoesntexist
> Root: HKCR; Subkey: "EUDOSApp\DefaultIcon"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "";
> ValueData: "{app}\BIN\EXW.EXE,0"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
> createvalueifdoesntexist
> Root: HKCR; Subkey: "EUDOSApp\shell\open\command"; ValueType: string;
> ValueName:
> ""; ValueData: """{app}\BIN\EX.EXE"" ""%1"""; Flags: uninsdeletekey
> createvalueifdoesntexist
> ;associate .e, .ew files to be called by ED.bat
> Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".e"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData:
> "EUCodeFile";
> Flags: uninsdeletevalue createvalueifdoesntexist
> Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".ew"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData:
> "EUCodeFile";
> Flags: uninsdeletevalue createvalueifdoesntexist
> Root: HKCR; Subkey: "EUCodeFile"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData:
> "Euphoria Code File"; Flags: uninsdeletekey createvalueifdoesntexist
> Root: HKCR; Subkey: "EUCodeFile\DefaultIcon"; ValueType: string; ValueName:
> ""; ValueData: "{app}\BIN\EuInc.ico,0"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
> createvalueifdoesntexist
> Root: HKCR; Subkey: "EUCodeFile\shell\open\command"; ValueType: string;
> ValueName:
> ""; ValueData: """{app}\BIN\ED.BAT"" ""%1"""; Flags: uninsdeletekey
> createvalueifdoesntexist
> [Messages]
> FinishedLabel=Setup has finished installing [name] on your computer.%n%nYou
> can now run Euphoria .ex and .exw programs by double-clicking them, or (after
> reboot) by typing:%n     ex filename.ex%nor%n     exw filename.exw%non a
> command-line.
> [Run]
> ;Generate DOCS, and update EUDIR and PATH in AUTOEXEC.bat for Win 95,98 and
> ME
> Filename: "{tmp}\exw.exe"; Description: "Generate Documentation Files as
> HTML";
> Parameters: "{tmp}\doc2.exw HTML {app}"; StatusMsg: "Generating HTML
> documentation
> files ...";
> Filename: "{tmp}\exw.exe"; Description: "Generate Documentation Files as plain
> text"; Parameters: "{tmp}\doc2.exw TEXT {app}"; StatusMsg: "Generating plain
> text documentation files ...";
> Filename: "{tmp}\exw.exe"; Description: "Combine Documentation Files";
> Parameters:
> "{tmp}\combine2.exw {app}"; StatusMsg: "Combining documentation files ...";
> Filename: "{tmp}\exw.exe"; Description: "Create exwc.exe"; Parameters:
> "{tmp}\makecon.exw
> ""{app}"""; StatusMsg: "Making exwc.exe ...";
> Filename: "{tmp}\exw.exe"; Description: "Update AUTOEXEC.bat"; Parameters:
> "{tmp}\setupae2.exw
> {app}"; StatusMsg: "Updating AUTOEXEC.BAT ..."; MinVersion: 4.0,0
> ----------------------------------

The program "setupae2.exw" changes "autoexec.bat". The first thing it
should do is making a backup copy say "autoexec.bak". Then it should
convert {app} to its corresponding short 8.3 name, before writing the
name to "autoexec.bat". For this conversion, the Windows API function 
GetShortPathName() can be used.
( The sample program that I currently posted is not very clean, you'll
probably write a better one. smile )

Sorry for the long post. I hope it is understandable.


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