Re: Help!!

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> posted by: Alex Chamberlain <alex.chamberlain at>
> Thanks for all your help - it was actually how i was using curl that
> was causing the problem, but i've changed the function anyway. I need
> to test them all for speed as my program has to upload ~23000
> products!!

I use wget, and have on win95 and winxp, with no problems. In fact, 
less problems than Internet Explorer. I show speeds up to 
180kbytes/sec even with other apps running on a 1.5mbit/sec line. 
I think it's safe to say wget will run as fast as the computer and the 
available internet connection. Only thing i don't like about it is 
relying on it's timeouts to return control to my programs, but that is 
offset if i simply spawn another Eu process and kill it if it doesn't 
respond in a given time. <hint>Threads would help here.</hint> 
Wget can upload using POST and http, so a server script (Eu or 
PHP) can accept the POST'd file and save it there.


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