Re: Help needed with Listview controls

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On Thu, 29 Jul 1999 10:25:21 -0400, Bernie Ryan <bwryan at PCOM.NET> wrote:

>   I looked up ListView in my C++ compiler samples and I think that you
>   will find that it is going to be a serious task to use it with
>   the win32lib.ew because you will have to handle a lot of callbacks
>   and codes that are not yet implemented in win32lib which was written
>   to handle the basic standard controls used in win32.

Thanks for the reply Bernie.

Der! Disegard the part of my earlier posting where I was wondering how to
poke an unlimited-length string into a dword. I really should wait until I
wake before posting.

I'm not using David's win32lib for the exact reasons you mention (although I
have stolen a lot of his code, for which he will be thanked). Catching any
callbacks (i.e. LVN_COLUMNCLICK) isn't really a problem for me. My main
difficulty is understanding C code, as it is a language I have never used.
My background would be more in assembly.

I like taking on things which I don't know how to do, because I have more of
a chance of remebering anything I learn then.

I'm including below the complete C code example of what I posted earlier.
Maybe if you (or anybody) has the chance, they could compare my Eu procedure
with the C code to see where I am going wrong



argh!!!  C code ahead -->

// InitListViewItems - adds items and subitems to a list view.
// Returns TRUE if successful or FALSE otherwise.
// hwndLV - handle of the list view control
// pfData - text file containing list view items with columns
//          separated by semicolons
BOOL WINAPI InitListViewItems(HWND hwndLV, FILE *pfData)
    extern char g_achTemp[256];         // temporary buffer
    PSTR pszStart;
    PSTR pszEnd;
    int iItem;
    int iSubItem;
    LV_ITEM lvi;

    // Initialize LV_ITEM members that are common to all items.
    lvi.state = 0;
    lvi.stateMask = 0;
    lvi.pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK;   // app. maintains text
    lvi.iImage = 0;                     // image list index

    // Read each line in the specified file.
    for (iItem = 0;
            fgets(g_achTemp, sizeof(g_achTemp), pfData);
            iItem++) {

        // Allocate an application-defined structure to store the

        // item label and the text of each subitem.
        MYITEM *pItem = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(MYITEM));

        // Copy the first string (the label).
        pszEnd = strchr(g_achTemp, ';');
        *pszEnd = '\0';
        pItem->aCols[0] = DupString(g_achTemp);

        // Copy subsequent strings (subitems).
        for (iSubItem = 1;
                iSubItem < C_COLUMNS && pszEnd != NULL;
                iSubItem++) {
            pszStart = pszEnd + 1;

            if ((pszEnd = strchr(pszStart, ';')) != NULL)
                *pszEnd = '\0';
            pItem->aCols[iSubItem] = DupString(pszStart);

        // Initialize item-specific LV_ITEM members.
        lvi.iItem = iItem;
        lvi.iSubItem = 0;
        lvi.lParam = (LPARAM) pItem;    // item data

        // Add the item.
        ListView_InsertItem(hwndLV, &lvi);

        // There is no need to set the text of the subitems. They

        // default to LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK.
    return TRUE;

// DupString - allocates a copy of a string.
// lpsz - address of the null-terminated string to copy

LPSTR DupString(LPSTR lpsz)
    int cb = lstrlen(lpsz) + 1;
    LPSTR lpszNew = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cb);
    if (lpszNew != NULL)
        CopyMemory(lpszNew, lpsz, cb);
    return lpszNew;

phew, that's the end of the C


Now for the nice safe Eu -->

procedure fill_listview()

atom lv_struct
integer ok
sequence lv_data, string_struct, temp_str, struct_members

struct_members = {}
lv_struct = allocate(36)
lv_data = {{"7-6","1","2","3"},{"2-9","1","2","3"},{"4-8","1","2","3"}}

    for iitem = 1 to length(lv_data) do
        string_struct = {}
        temp_str = lv_data[iitem]

        for j = 1 to length(temp_str) do
            string_struct = string_struct & temp_str[j] & 0
        end for

        ok = allocate_string(string_struct)
        struct_members = struct_members & ok

        poke4(lv_struct + 00, or_all({LVIF_TEXT, LVIF_IMAGE,
                                     LVIF_PARAM, LVIF_STATE})) --mask;
        poke4(lv_struct + 04, iitem-1)    -- 0 based           --iItem;
        poke4(lv_struct + 08, 0)                               --iSubItem;
        poke4(lv_struct + 12, 0)                               --state;
        poke4(lv_struct + 16, 0)                               --stateMask;
        poke4(lv_struct + 20, LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK)              --pszText;
        poke4(lv_struct + 24, length(string_struct))           --cchTextMax;
        poke4(lv_struct + 28, 0)                               --iImage;
        poke4(lv_struct + 32, ok) --pointer to string_struct   --lParam;

        ok = c_func(SendMessage, {window_handle[listview_win],
                                  LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, lv_struct})
        end for

        c_proc(UpdateWindow, {window_handle[listview_win]})

end procedure

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