File Search & Select PGM
- Posted by MR FREDERICK A COLE <facole at PRODIGY.COM> Sep 26, 1996
Welcome Euphoria Users, I have written an "include file" routine to make it easier to find and select a file which then returns the file name and path to the program. One example where I find it very useful is the Euphoria Editor, ed.ex, program,; no longer do you have to remember the file name and type it in, but you can search on all drives and subdirectories for the desired file and then click on the mouse left button to select the file and return it to the editor. It runs in the graphics text Mode 3 with 25 lines of text. To check out the program to see how it works on your system you can type in this short program: include filescrh.e -- Name of the include file routine sequence fs fs = file_select() puts(1,fs) -- prints to screen the path and file name selected If the above four line program works fine on your computer, you may want to incorporate this feature in the Euphoria Editor or your own program. To modify the Euphoria Editor to use this feature only a few things need to be changed. First, it would be wise to make a backup copy of the editor before you make any changes. Start the Editor and load in ed.ex. At the beginning of the ed.ex program add the one new line as shown below: without type_check -- makes it a bit faster include graphics.e include get.e include file.e include filescrh.e --new line To find the next section of the program to change use the find feature of the editor. Press the "Esc" key, then f, then type in the words, file name:, and press the enter key twice. It will take you to the section listed below. Add the three (3) new lines. elsif command[1] = 'n' then if modified and last_use() then set_top_line("") printf(SCREEN, "save changes to %s? ", {file_name}) if find('y', key_gets("yn")) then save_file(file_name) end if end if save_state() temp_name = lower(file_select()) -- new line if length(temp_name) = 0 then -- new line set_top_line("new file name: ") temp_name = delete_trailing_white(key_gets("")) end if -- new line if length(temp_name) != 0 then file_name = temp_name stop = TRUE end if The next section is also found with the find feature. Press the "Esc" key, then f, then press the Enter key. (find defaults to, file name:) It will take you to the section listed below. Add the three (3) new lines. if length(file_name) = 0 then -- we still don't know the file name - so ask user file_name = lower(file_select()) --new line if length(file_name) = 0 then --new line puts(SCREEN, "file name: ") cursor(ED_CURSOR) file_name = key_gets("") puts(SCREEN, '\n') end if --new line end if That is all the changes necessary for the Euphoria Editor. If you want to start a new file name; one that doesn't yet exist in the directories, you can do so by clicking on EXIT and then typing in the name, exactly like it is now done. I am providing this include file program to the Euphoria Public Domain. This program is supplied "AS IS" and without warranty. The program works fine for me but it has been tested on only a few computer systems, so if there are occasions that this program does not work properly or when used in your application, feel free to modify to suit your needs. Enjoy!! Fred Cole (facole at The include file "filescrh.e" follows: ------------------------------------------ --- File Search & Select --- --- Ver 1.0 --- --- Written by: Fred Cole --- --- facole at --- --- Free to Euphoria Public Domain --- --- Provided "AS IS" and --- --- Without Warranty --- --- Permission given to modify --- ------------------------------------------ -- Search sub-directories and drives using a mouse to search for a file. -- When the desired file is found and the mouse pointer is moved to that line, -- the mouse left button is clicked to return the directory path and file name -- of the selected file. Use in Graphics Mode (3) with 25 lines text. include file.e include get.e include graphics.e include image.e include machine.e include mouse.e include sort.e function mouse() object y mouse_events(LEFT_DOWN) mouse_pointer(1) while 1 do y = get_mouse() if atom(y) then else exit end if end while mouse_pointer(0) return y end function procedure first_line(sequence b) text_color(6) position(1,10) puts(1,"Directory Path is:") position(1,30) text_color(9) puts(1,b) position(2,1) end procedure function file_path(sequence b) object x,y,p integer a,c sequence x1,x2 x = dir(b) p = 0 if not atom(x) and length(b)>3 then for t=1 to length(x) by 1 do if find("..",x[t]) = 0 then else p = 1 exit end if end for if p=0 then p = {{46,46},{100},0,0,0,0,0,0,0} x = prepend(x,p) end if elsif atom(x) and length(b)>3 then x = {{{46,46},{100},0,0,0,0,0,0,0}} elsif atom(x) then clear_screen() while atom(x) do first_line(b) position(3,12) text_color(15) puts(1,"NO FILES FOUND") text_color(3) position(25,37) puts(1,"<CHANGE DRIVE>") text_color(4) puts(1," <EXIT>") y = mouse() if y[3]/8 = 24 and y[2] < 288 or y[2] > 392 and y[2]<472 or y[2]>512 then elsif y[3]/8 = 24 and y[2] <= 392 and y[2] >= 288 then return("CHANGE DRIVE") elsif y[3]/8 = 24 and y[2] <= 512 and y[2] >= 472 then return("EXIT") end if end while end if x = sort(x) a = 0 x1 = {} x2 = {} while a < length(x) do a = a+1 if compare(x[a][2],"d") = 0 then x1 = append(x1,x[a]) else x2 = append(x2,x[a]) end if end while clear_screen() first_line(b) a = 0 c = 0 x = x1 & x2 while a < length(x) do a = a+1 if compare(x[a][2],"d") = 0 then text_color(14) else text_color(15) end if printf(1,"%12s",{x[a][1]}) printf(1," %4s",{x[a][2]}) printf(1," %7d",x[a][3]) printf(1," %02d",x[a][5]) printf(1,"/%02d",x[a][6]) printf(1,"/%04d",x[a][4]) printf(1," %02d",x[a][7]) printf(1,":%02d",x[a][8]) printf(1,":%02d\n",x[a][9]) c = c+1 if a > 23 and a = length(x) then position(25,21) text_color(10) puts(1,"<RETURN>") text_color(3) position(25,37) puts(1,"<CHANGE DRIVE>") text_color(4) puts(1," <EXIT>") y = mouse() if y[3]/8 > c and y[3]/8 < 24 or y[3] = 0 or (y[3]/8 = 24 and y[2] < 160 or y[2] > 216 and y[2] < 288 or y[2] > 392 and y[2]<472 or y[2]>512) then first_line(b) a = a - c c = 0 elsif y[3]/8 = 24 and y[2] <= 216 and y[2] >= 160 then clear_screen() first_line(b) a = 0 c = 0 elsif y[3]/8 = 24 and y[2] <= 392 and y[2] >= 288 then return("CHANGE DRIVE") elsif y[3]/8 = 24 and y[2] <= 512 and y[2] >= 472 then return("EXIT") elsif (y[3]/8)-c <= 0 and y[3] != 0 then return (x[y[3]/8+a-c]) end if elsif a <= 23 and a = length(x) then text_color(3) position(25,37) puts(1,"<CHANGE DRIVE>") text_color(4) puts(1," <EXIT>") y = mouse() if (y[3]/8)-c <= 0 and y[3] != 0 then return (x[y[3]/8+a-c]) elsif y[3]/8 > c and y[3]/8 < 24 or y[3] = 0 or (y[3]/8 = 24 and y[2] < 288 or y[2] > 392 and y[2]<472 or y[2]>512) then first_line(b) a = 0 c = 0 elsif y[3]/8 = 24 and y[2] <= 392 and y[2] >= 288 then return("CHANGE DRIVE") elsif y[3]/8 = 24 and y[2] <= 512 and y[2] >= 472 then return("EXIT") end if elsif c = 23 and a != length(x) then position(25,22) text_color(10) puts(1,"<MORE>") text_color(3) position(25,37) puts(1,"<CHANGE DRIVE>") text_color(4) puts(1," <EXIT>") y = mouse() if y[3]=8*24 and y[2]<=208 and y[2]>=168 then clear_screen() first_line(b) c = 0 elsif y[3] != 0 and y[3] != 8*24 then return (x[y[3]/8+a-c]) elsif y[3] = 0 or (y[3]=8*24 and y[2]<168 or y[2]>208 and y[2]<288 or y[2]>392 and y[2]<472 or y[2]>512) then first_line(b) c = 0 a = a - 23 elsif y[3]/8 = 24 and y[2] <= 392 and y[2] >= 288 then return("CHANGE DRIVE") elsif y[3]/8 = 24 and y[2] <= 512 and y[2] >= 472 then return("EXIT") end if end if end while end function function select_drive() sequence rv -- list of register values object b, bl, br, cntr, drives, xy bk_color(0) clear_screen() drives = {} for h=1 to 26 by 1 do rv = repeat(0, 10) -- zero register rv[REG_AX] = #4409 -- Function: Check if Block Device is Remote rv[REG_BX] = 0000 + h -- Drive Number rv = dos_interrupt(#21, rv) -- Call DOS interrupt #21 if rv[5] != 0 then drives = drives & 64+h & " " end if end for position(2,34) text_color(10) puts(1,"Select Drive\n\n") text_color(15) cntr = 40 - floor((length(drives))/2) -- Center available Drive Choices puts(1,repeat(32,cntr) & drives) br = 24*((length(drives))/3-1)+8*cntr bl = 8*cntr text_color(4) position(25,60) puts(1,"<EXIT>") position(5,1) mouse_events(LEFT_DOWN) while 1 do xy = mouse() if xy[2]<bl or xy[2]>br or xy[3]<24 or xy[3]>24 then if xy[3]/8 = 24 and xy[2] <= 512 and xy[2] >= 472 then return("EXIT") end if elsif remainder((xy[2]-bl),24)=0 then b = drives[((xy[2]-bl)/8)+1] return (b) end if end while end function procedure closing() cursor(UNDERLINE_CURSOR) text_color(15) set_active_page(0) set_display_page(0) end procedure global function file_select() sequence t object b integer i set_active_page(1) set_display_page(1) text_color(4) cursor(NO_CURSOR) t = "CHANGE DRIVE" while compare(t,"CHANGE DRIVE") = 0 do b = select_drive() if compare(b,"EXIT") = 0 then closing() return({}) end if b = b & ":\\" t = file_path(b) if compare(t,"EXIT") = 0 then closing() return({}) end if while compare(t[2],"d") = 0 do if compare(t[1],"..") = 0 then i = length(b)-1 while compare(b[i],92) != 0 do i = i-1 end while b = b[1..i] elsif compare(t[1],".") = 0 then else b = b & t[1] & "\\" end if if length(b) > 3 then t = file_path(b[1..length(b)-1]) else t = file_path(b) end if if compare(t,"EXIT") = 0 then closing() return({}) end if end while end while closing() return (b & t[1]) end function