Re: linux
- Posted by Mike Sabal <MikeS at NOTATIONS.COM> Jul 06, 1999
>>> Robert Craig <rds at ATTCANADA.NET> 07/05/99 06:41PM >>> Michael J. Sabal writes: > and I know the permissions are set right from ls -l. Ncurses has > been loaded onto my machine. But I must be missing > something else, 'cause when I try to run exu, it tells me > "File or directory does not exist." What's missing? >Linux differs from DOS in that the current directory is *not* >on the search path (unless you specifically set it up >that way), so to run an executable in the current directory >you might have to say: > ./exu ed.ex >(or whatever). Eventually though, you need to get >euphoria/bin onto your PATH. Been there, done that. My problem is that I don't have a full installation= , and I'm sure that one of the shared files required to make exu run just = happens not to be on my machine! Michael J. Sabal