HELP! I'm stupid.... novice "wanna be" or trying to be...

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Programmer. I'm also into making wine and mead. I'm trying to write a very
simple program to convert the cc's of sodium hydroxide used to the % of 
tartaric acid and the parts per thousand of sulfuric acid. But, I don't know 
what i'm doing. I just play with computers. Can some one help me solve this 
problem? The problem is that,  besides a few bugs that need to be worked
out, "I can do it!", I don't know how to multiply the information in the 
editText box with the other part of the formula. By viewing the code i'm sure
that someone will either say i'm a complete idiot, or think that i'm doing ok
for a newbee and help me with the simplist solution to this problem. Here's 
the code:

I think the problem is in the procedure convert_CCSHTS(), i guess? I'm sure
there could be a simpler code to write this program, it's just that I don't 
know it. Can anyone recommend a good book on this type of programming that I 
could get to help me become a better programmer? Any help will be much 
appreciated. Thank you.


-- This program computes tartaric and sulfuric acid contents of wine or mead
-- Author: Swain Wall 
-- Date: August 4, 2005

-- Include library routine(s).
include win32lib.ew

-- Exclude warning.
without warning
with trace

-- Declare integer(s).
global integer counter

-- Define integer(s).
counter = 0

-- Declare sequence(s).
sequence AllowedCharacters, checkCCSH

-- Define sequence(s).
AllowedCharacters = {46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57}

-- Declare atom(s).
atom top, left, height, width

--Define atom(s).
-- Set the size to one half of the screen's size.
width    = 0.5
height   = 0.5

-- Set the top-lefthand corner so that the window is centered in the screen.
top  = (1 - height) / 2
left = (1 - width)  / 2

-- Declare/Define constant(s).
sulfuric =  1.6,
tartaric =  .25,

-- Create MainWindow.
MainWindow  = create(Window, "Tartaric/Sulfuric Acid Conversion Program", 0,
left, top,
                     width, height, 0),

-- Create MainWindow List(s) Heading(s).                          
CCSHHead    = create(LText, "CC's Sodium Hydroxide Used" , MainWindow,  25, 20,
150, 20,
PTAHead     = create(LText, "Percentage of Tartaric Acid", MainWindow, 235, 20,
150, 20,
PPTSAHead   = create(LText, "(PPT) of Sulfuric Acid"     , MainWindow, 235, 80,
200, 20,
-- Create MainWindow Tartaric Acid input window.
CCSH        = create(EditText, "", MainWindow,  69, 40, 40, 20, 0),

-- Create MainWindow List(s).                         
PTAAnswer   = create(LText,  ""  , MainWindow,  278,  40, 40, 20, 0),    
PPTSAAnswer = create(LText,  ""  , MainWindow,  278, 100, 40, 20, 0),
-- Create MainWindow Acid Level Chart Heading(s).
TW          = create(LText, "Type of Wine", MainWindow,  25, 120, 80, 20, 0),
PT          = create(LText, "% Tartaric"  , MainWindow, 120, 120, 80, 20, 0),	 
PPTS        = create(LText, "ppt Sulfuric", MainWindow, 200, 120, 80, 20, 0),
-- Create MainWindow Acid Level Type of Wine index(s).
wg          = create(LText, "white grapes", MainWindow, 25, 140, 80, 20, 0),
rg          = create(LText, "red grapes"  , MainWindow, 29, 160, 80, 20, 0),
f           = create(LText, "fruits"      , MainWindow, 41, 180, 80, 20, 0),

-- Create MainWindow Acid Level % Tartaric index(s).
wgT         = create(LText, ".65 - .75"   , MainWindow, 122, 140, 80, 20, 0),
rgT         = create(LText, ".60 - .65"   , MainWindow, 122, 160, 80, 20, 0),
fT          = create(LText, ".55 - .65"   , MainWindow, 122, 180, 80, 20, 0),
-- Create MainWindow Acid Level ppt Sulfuric index(s).
wgS         = create(LText, "4.2 - 4.9"   , MainWindow, 206, 140, 80, 20, 0),
rgS         = create(LText, "3.9 - 4.2"   , MainWindow, 206, 160, 80, 20, 0),
fS          = create(LText, "3.6 - 4.2"   , MainWindow, 206, 180, 80, 20, 0),
-- Create MainWindow Typical Acid Level Statement.
TALS        = create(LText, "Typical Acidity is 0.6% Tartaric or 4 ppt
                     MainWindow, 25, 200, 250, 20, 0),

-- Create MainWindow Button(s).
CTSA        = create(Button, "Convert"   , MainWindow, 165,  40, 60, 20, 0),
ClearButton = create(Button, "Clear"     , MainWindow, 340, 160, 40, 20, 0),    
ExitButton  = create(Button, "Exit"      , MainWindow, 340, 220, 40, 20, 0),

-- Create MainWindow Statis Bar.                          
SB          = createEx(StatusBar, "Ready", MainWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
procedure onOpen_MainWindow()
	integer i
	i = sendMessage(CCSH, EM_LIMITTEXT, 3, 0) -- max 3 char. using EM_LIMITTEXT.
end procedure

procedure check_CCSH()
	-- Check for illegal character(s) entered.
	checkCCSH = getText(CCSH)
	for j = 1 to length(checkCCSH) do
		for k = 1 to length(AllowedCharacters) do
			if equal(checkCCSH[j], AllowedCharacters[k]) then
				counter = counter + 1
			end if			
		end for
	end for
end procedure

procedure convert_CCSHTS()
	-- If legal character(s) entered, then
-- Convert CC's Sodium Hydroxide to precentage of Tartaric and ppt Sulfuric
	if counter = 3 then
setText(PTAAnswer  , getText(CCSH)) -- This is where I need to multiply
		-- setText(PTAAnswer, getText(C) * tartaric)) I tried this...
-- setText(PTAAnswer, sprintf("%d", getText(C) * tartaric)) -- I tried this
setText(PPTSAAnswer, getText(CCSH)) -- This is where I need to multiply
  		setText(SB         ,"Converted...")
		counter = 0
else -- Send user note to status bar, clear invalid entries and reset status
		setText(SB, "Illegal Character(s) Entered")
		setText(CCSH,      "")
		setText(SB  , "Ready")
		counter = 0
	end if
end procedure		            

procedure onKey_Convert(integer key, integer shift)
	-- Check for Enter Key Pressed.
	if key = 13 then
		-- Check for illegal character(s) entered into edit box.
		-- Convert CCSH to Tataric/Sulfuric.
  	end if
end procedure

procedure onClick_Convert()
	-- Check for illegal character(s) entered into edit box.
	-- Convert CCSH to Tataric/Sulfuric.
end procedure

procedure onClick_Clear()
	-- Clear CCSH box, PTAAnswer and PPTSAAnswer.
	setText(CCSH       , "")
	setText(PTAAnswer  , "")
	setText(PPTSAAnswer, "")
	setText(SB    , "Ready")
end procedure

end procedure
-- Handle routine(s).
onOpen[MainWindow]   = routine_id("onOpen_MainWindow")
onKeyPress[CCSH]     = routine_id("onKey_Convert"    )
onClick[CTSA]        = routine_id("onClick_Convert"  )
onClick[ClearButton] = routine_id("onClick_Clear"    )
onClick[ExitButton]  = routine_id("onClick_Exit"     )

-- Give control to windows.
WinMain(MainWindow, Normal)

-- End Program.

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