Re: field size
- Posted by Sabal.Mike at Jul 27, 2001
Euphoria uses a single statement for single conditional and multiple = conditionals: if some_var =3D 'a' then elsif some_var =3D 'b' then elsif some_var =3D 'c' then else end if Assuming this is a menu, and I want multiple choices to call the same = routine, I can use the find() function if 'menu' is an atom: if menu=3D'a' then elsif find(menu,"QqXx9") > 0 then close_program() abort(0) else end if As for goto, there are several pros and cons which have been discussed at = length on this forum. Goto can be programmed around by using subroutines = and routine_id(), which doesn't always make the cleanest solution. Yet, = if your Basic program were written properly, goto would only be used in = if/elsif, while, or routine() situation (Disclaimer: this is my own = opinion as a BBx programmer, and does not reflect the opinions of most = others on this list). HTH, Michael J. Sabal >>> gwalters at 07/27/01 08:28AM >>> So far I like EU, but it has some limitations that I would like to see = improved. My (and Lucy's) programming style heavily uses select/case/cend.= ..and EU being so structured i'm supprised that it doesen't have it. select some.var case 'a" do something case 'b' do something case 'c' do something otherwise catch all here cend .....or ala EU end select