- Posted by euman at Jul 21, 2001
Bernie you must think Im arguing with you, Im not! I think you have a fantastic idea just curious is all. Looking at these two structures there is a difference hParent and hInsertAfter are declared in one not the other constant TVINSERTSTRUCT_hParent = 0, TVINSERTSTRUCT_hInsertAfter = 4, TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_mask = 8, TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_hItem = 12, TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_state = 16, TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_stateMask = 20, TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_pszText = 24, TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_cchTextMax = 28, TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_iImage = 32, TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_iSelectedImage = 36, TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_cChildren = 40, TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_lParam = 44, SIZEOF_tvstruct = 48 global constant tvitem_mask = 0, tvitem_hItem = 4, tvitem_state = 8, tvitem_stateMask = 12, tvitem_pszText = 16, tvitem_cchTextMax = 20, tvitem_iImage = 24, tvitem_iSelectedImage = 28, tvitem_cChildren = 32, tvitem_lParam = 36, SIZEOF_tvitem = 40 in another language would be used like this: mov tvinsert.hParent,NULL mov tvinsert.hInsertAfter,TVI_ROOT mov tvinsert.item.imask,TVIF_TEXT+TVIF_IMAGE+TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE mov tvinsert.item.pszText,offset Parent mov tvinsert.item.iImage,0 mov tvinsert.item.iSelectedImage,1 and Euphoria: tvstruct = allocate_struct( SIZEOF_tvstruct ) poke4( tvstruct + TVINSERTSTRUCT_hParent,NULL) poke4( tvstruct + TVINSERTSTRUCT_hInsertAfter,TVI_ROOT) poke4( tvstruct + TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_mask,or_all({TVIF_TEXT+TVIF_IMAGE+TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE})) poke4( tvstruct + TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_iImage,0) poke4( tvstruct + TVINSERTSTRUCTITEM_iSelectedImage,1) there is no difference in the two languages as for functioning code (sorta) Are you going to take this into consideration, there is a catch in notifying the control owner and this is where the second structure come into play. if iMsg = TVN_SELCHANGED then --NM_CLICK then -- TreeView count = c_func(SendMessage,{id, TVM_GETCOUNT, 0, 0}) item = c_func(SendMessage,{id,TVM_GETNEXTITEM, 0, TVGN_ROOT}) poke4(tvitem + tvitem_hItem,item) poke4(tvitem + tvitem_mask,TVIF_TEXT) poke4(tvitem + tvitem_stateMask, TVIS_SELECTED) txtbuff = allocate(256) poke4(tvitem + tvitem_pszText,txtbuff) poke4(tvitem + tvitem_cchTextMax,256) note that the structure used here for the treeview notification is not the same as the first used to create the treeview, it's the second because of its 8 bytes offset. A question I recently asked the list about and its pretty straight forward. How will your engine account for this? Will it be faster than what I already have? Good luck Bernie, Euman euman at