ListView index above #FFFF
- Posted by euman at Jul 17, 2001
Here is some interesting code that works well to return the selected string in a listview item and I need someone to help me with returning the index of a selected item. Useing similar code, please. elsif iMsg = NM_CLICK then junk = c_func(SendMessage,{ListView1,LVM_GETNEXTITEM,-1, LVNI_FOCUSED}) poke4(lvitem + lvitem_iItem,junk) poke4(lvitem + lvitem_iSubItem,0) poke4(lvitem + lvitem_mask,LVIF_TEXT) txtbuff = allocate(256) poke4(lvitem + lvitem_pszText,txtbuff) poke4(lvitem + lvitem_cchTextMax,256) cmd = c_func(SendMessage,{ListView1, LVM_GETITEM, 0, lvitem}) lvtxt = peek_string(txtbuff) Please! Should be easy but I fail to return the exact index with records levels above 65535. So at the moment, Im useing the above routine to match records in my database which is slower than what I would like it to be. Euman euman at