RE: Hot/Accelerator Keys
- Posted by Derek Parnell <ddparnell at> May 22, 2001
Hi "jjnick at", > Okay, I give up, how does one implement Hot/Accelerator keys? > I searched > the mailing list to no avail. Apparently it must be an easy > excercise . . > .? I know about using the "&" symbol to precede a letter in > the control > definitions, but how do I access this in code? Please tell > me I don't have > to use the onKeyDown event! what are you trying to do with hot keys? When you say "how do I access this in code?", what is the "this" you are referring to? Are you asking how to know which are the hot keys associated with a given control? Or are you wanting to know which hot key is pressed? Or are you trying the get your code to react to a hotkey press? To associate a hot key with a specific control use ... registerHotKey(id, keycode) eg. -- Make the Alt-F9 key "press" the button. registerHotKey( btnClose, VK_F9) To get a list of hot keys and the associated controls, use ... sequence rdata -- Get the list of controls for this parent window that have hots keys, -- and a list of the hotkey keycodes. rdata = getControlInfo( myWin, {CONTROLINFO_hotkey_ids, CONTROLINFO_hotkey_keys}) for i = 1 to length(rdata[1]) do -- Control rdata[1][i] has hotkey rdata[2][i] end for A hotkey sets the focus to the control that owns the hotkey, thus causing a GotFocus event. If that control is a button, it also causes the Click event to happen. Thus normally one codes a handler for GotFocus or Click to trap hotkey presses. But it doesn't distinguish between a hotkey and a normal invocation. Do you need to know if either of these two events were caused by a hotkey rather than the normal triggering event, such as a TAB key or MouseClick or SpaceBar for buttons? If so, you'd have to use the KeyDown event to catch that. ----------- cheers, Derek Parnell