time waits
- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> May 19, 2001
Hi all, In windoze, is it possible to do something other than this: time1 = time() --wait 60 seconds while time() < time1+60 do end while to pause 60 seconds? That code is actually using cpu cycles, and i'd prefer to: pause(60) and to not use the cpu, and have windoze wake up the program at the following line in 60 seconds. I looked in the archives for "pause", "wait", and "delay", but got no matches. Any thoughts? The only thing i can come up with is loop it thru mirc and use mirc's timers. Or is the answer buried somewhere in timer.exw? By the way, it says winmain takes two arguements, so i argued with it twice, but it won't stop saying that, no matter how much i argue at it. Must i use a winmain window if all i want is a timer? Kat