Mouse Eventes Again
- Posted by Sergio Gelli <sergelli at> Nov 29, 2004
Hello List I am using a Windows Millennium Edition. Why I can't detect the Middle Buttom in the code below? Any suggestion? without warning include win32lib.ew constant main=create(Window,"Test",0,100,250,450,200,0), in=create(EditText,"",main,50,10,100,25,0), in2=create(EditText,"",main,50,50,390,25,0) procedure esc(integer self, integer event, sequence params) --parms={integer event, integer x, integer y, integer shift, integer wheelmove} sequence showall integer params4 params4=params[4] showall=sprintf("self=%d event=%d eventP=%d lin=%d col=%d shift=%d weelmove=%d", {self,event,params[1],params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5]}) if and_bits(params4,ControlMask) then --> ctrl key was pressed setText(in,params[4] ) -- show params[4]when mouse moves if and_bits(params4,RightBtnMask) then --> Right buttom down. setText(in,and_bits(params[4],RightBtnMask)) -- ok. ctrl+rigth show it elsif and_bits(params4,LeftBtnMask) then --> Left mouse button down. setText(in,and_bits(params[4],LeftBtnMask)) -- ok. ctrl+left show it elsif and_bits(params[4],MiddleBtnMask) then --> Middle mouse down. setText(in,and_bits(params[4],MiddleBtnMask)) -- not ok. ctrl+Middle end if end if setText(in2,showall) end procedure setHandler(main,w32HMouse,routine_id("esc")) WinMain({main,in2,in},Normal)