Win32Lib Handover
- Posted by Derek Parnell <ddparnell at> Nov 23, 2004
In about 10 or so days, I'll be handing over win32lib to the next generation of carers. I'd like it to be reasonably stable (no major errors) before I do that. I'm thinking that it might be a good idea to upload a frequent (daily?) snapshot of the code, so that people can review it for us all. It would be just a ZIP file of the include files. If this is not of any real interest, I won't bother to do it. So please let me know if you'd like to review and/or test the alpha snapshots. You can do this privately if you like by emailing me. ddparnell (A T) bigpond (D O T) com When the library appears to be stable, which I hope will be before the 4th of December, I'll send the full package of include files, documentation, and demos to RDS. My Euphoria website will only be up for a month or so after that time. -- Derek Parnell Melbourne, Australia