Euphoria and fixed field record formats .....
- Posted by John Dutcher <jfdutcher1958 at> Nov 20, 2004
I am new but have used Euphoria very happily and effectively for several projects and really like it. I am interested in how those who have a depth of knowledge do code to handle fixed format data records usually viewed as structures as in Cobol, Basic etc. I processed them in a CGI app using Euphoria by just "slicing" every field from the record level "sequence"...but had the luxury that all data was "text" or character. But consider a tiny sample Cobol created record: 01 AAA. character ---> 03 BBB pic x(12). packed decimal ---> 03 CCC pic s9(5) comp-3. zoned decimal ---> 03 DDD pic s999 display. signed binary ---> 03 EEE pic s999 comp. This representative sequence often repeats in some pattern many times per record. What is the "right" way to address these values after one has read them into a sequence or object that is the result the I/O operation ?