An open letter to the Euphoria powers that be.
- Posted by don cole <doncole at> Nov 20, 2004
I have seen complaints from newbies that Euphoria sucks. You've seen them. I was going to suggest to this individiual that he try Mike's Editor instead of the stock Euphoria Editor. (I know that I couldn't get to first base untill I download that program.) However I was unable find that file in the Archives anymore. Also based on all problems I have reading about with 2.5, I would have suggested he start off with ver. 2.4. That version seems not to be in the Archives either. Another disgrunteled user complained that he was having problems with IDE. I was going to suggest to him to try an earlier version by Davids Cuny (written in another language). Alas I could not find that file in the Archives anymore. Just a suggestion:, but when you guys update to a new improved version of a program why can't you keep the older version in the Archive also. Let the downloader select which version he or she wants. And fimnally what happend to Euphoria to C translator I can't find that anywhere in the Archive. DonCole SF