Euphoria 2.5
- Posted by Jason Gade <jaygade at> Nov 19, 2004
I've been following this for some time and I wanted to share some thoughts... What is RDS' customer base for 2.5? I mean, who are the people paying money for a license? *Hobbyists with $80 to spend who want to make modifications run at full speed and don't care if they can redistribute them. *Hobbyists who want to bind or shroud their code. *Business programmers who need to make modifications run at full speed and can convince their customers to pay for the extra license. *Business programmers who need to bind or shroud their code. *Translator customers from the above categories who want to get rid of the delay message. Am I missing any? I don't belong to any of these groups. You can take this with a grain of salt because I have never registered Euphoria. Until Derek's contest I had never written more than 50 lines or so of code with Euphoria. My interest is mostly aesthetic. I saw myself as more of a potential customer pre-2.5. Now, except for my features wishlist (which everyone seems to have), I get everything for free with the PD version. I could even write my own back-end or translate Euphoria to yet another language or whatever. I have no reason now to send any money to RDS. I think that RDS could make more money if they wrote a couple of books -- a basic computer science text using Euphoria, and an intermediate/advanced book on writing and implementing an interpreter using Euphoria as the case study. I would buy that book. j.