RE: bloated 2.5

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Ed Davis wrote:


> I think that for the effort involved, that it would not be worth
> the time for him to maintain two installers.  If you are a
> seasoned user, the windows installer should not cause any
> problems.

There is no maintenance involved with the old installer.
The windows installer DOES cause problems. It's not so simple to reset 
my customized environment. I have EUINC variables, a custom EUDIR, my 
own editor associated with various files in different ways.
Customized context menus...

The setup creates alot of BS for me, just so I can try something that I 
really have no intention of using anyways.
Rob wants people to use his public domain products. If he is smart, he 
would make it as convenient as possible.
That was the whole issue in the first place, to get him to make a 
windows installer at ALL! :/
He didn't achieve that. He made it easier for neophites to get their 
feet wet, and made it more difficult for veterans to upgrade.
I don't know anybody who uses the default eu environment.
The very presence of EUINC contradicts any notion that we should.


> Again, I don't see what the problem is.  For a seasoned user such
> as yourself, simply delete the files.  Of course, they don't
> really hurt anything.  And 2 megs isn't much these days. Euphoria
> is still much smaller than most programming languages.

They are clutter to people who can't even use the files.
What more reason does there have to be, to either document their purpose 
better, or simply not include them in the distribution.
It makes alot more sense to me to just provide those files with the 
translator, and have it separate.


> Oh come on.  It is only 205k.  Good grief.  If you don't like it,
> ignore it.

How does it have anything to do with what I like?
I'm being practical. Eu-in-EU has no bearing on the PD version of 
Euphoria. Why should it be distributed with Eu? Of course, it's the code 
that is used for the front end of the compiled interpreter. So what? 
What good is that to me? How is it more important than something like 

> And, all due respect to the authors of the other
> Euphoria-in-Euphoria interpreter, the one included with 2.5
> appears to better and faster, and supports the entire Euphoria
> language, when compared to the Delroy Gayle (original author)
> interpreter.

True, still, so what? People didn't even use those other interpreters, 
because it's not a script engine that people want.
An eu script engine is useful, but I fail to see how it gets so much 
importance, just because RDS wrote it. If we, as public users can't make 
significant use of it, I see no reason why it should be in the 


> It took me all of 1 minute to reset the environment variables to
> what I wanted. Big deal.

That is a HACK solution.
That type of attitude infests this community, and it's WRONG.
Firstly, just because it doesn't affect you, doesn't mean it doesn't 
affect others. Second, the mere fact that YOU have to manually do 
anything, and you don't even have the option to stop eu from meddling 
with your own setup, is a reflection of Euphoria's quality.

> I can appreciate you not liking Euphoria, or Robert Craig, but no
> one is making you use Euphoria.

Who said I don't like Euphoria? Or even Robert Craig for that matter?
If I didn't like Euphoria, I wouldn't be here.

> I don't think your overall tone helps this mailing list.

I fail to see how my post about bloated 2.5 displayed an 'overall tone'. 
For that matter, who are you to know me? Have you been around since I 
started using euphoria, go and investigate before you start making 
absurd accusations. I resent that implication.

Help this mailing list how? I'm supposed to be helping you?
This euphoria community is petty. It's not worth my effort to try and
help 'this mailing list'.
My perspective is much larger than this tiny, lazy community.

> Based on your posts of the past, if I was Robert Craig, I'd
> ignore most of what you write.

I don't care if he ignores me. The archives tell the tale. And other 
people are listening, whether you are or not, I don't care.

He ignores everyone, I don't feel special. he's been doing that since 
the day I became familiar with Eu and the mailing list.
Why do you think I have an 'overall tone' in the first place?

> You might even have some legitimate gripes, but you come across
> as if you're angry.Hey, it is only a programming language - get a
> life!

Euphoria and Robert Craig don't make me angry, they make me frustrated. 
People who make comments like that one, make me angry.

Chris Bensler
Code is Alchemy

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