[OT] A few questions related to recent cracker attack, please help.
- Posted by CoJaBo <cojabo at suscom.net> Nov 06, 2004
As said by the cracker once, "zee craker iz baaack!"(spelled similar to that). Whoever it was gained access to my computer and copied a number of files, including a few viruses, what appears to be the tool used to attack the Maxis website some time ago, what appears to be an ASCII image of somthing, and a number of WMV video files(named 01 to 12, I think there is another hidden somwhere else) that didn't copy completely, and a HUGE list of stolen usernames and passwords(I dont know what website they are from, but it isn't this one). An odd file that looks like it may have been ROT-13 encripted, I think I can decode it myself. They were saved to the TEMP directrory. A few questions: Can WMV files contain viruses? The virus was trojan.bytverify, has anyone heard of it? Id like to find more about the crack tools,(APLAHs.php, downloader.php, and a few more), where can I find more about PHP?