RE: The fate of Euphoria
- Posted by Chris Bensler <bensler at> Nov 05, 2004
Jeff Houck wrote: > > > posted by: Jeff Houck <jhouck at> > > Well, this thread isn't exactly roasting anywone... yet. > > <IDEOLOGY MODE ON> > What I can't understand is this. With the source code for Euphoria being > available for a rather paltry sum, why not acquire it, fix and improve a > few > "problem" areas and then contribute it back to RDS for inclusion? It > would > seem to me to be a better use of time and effort than being angry and > placing > a "blame". Improve the language and benefit the community as a whole. > <IDEOLOGY MODE OFF> > > "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." ~ Albert > Einstein The answer to that is simple, and probably the most frustating aspect of the whole thing. PEOPLE HAVE! And Rob ignores them just the same. Who was it that implemented crash routine, like 2 years ago? Matt I think, and probably Karl also. Rob is JUST deciding to implement it. I needed a modified interpeter for cgi on windows, so I asked someone to implement crash routine and a few other changes, it took them all of about 2 days, including ALL the changes I asked for. Rob can't say that it's difficult, like he has been trying to insinuate. Further, I can spend considerable effort implementing my own features, such as Matt or Karl has done, in the hopes that Rob will adopt at least some of it. But in the end, Rob is just humouring us. Why should I _give him money_ so that I can try to _help_ him, knowing full well that he is just going to completely disregard it? That doesn't seem like a very prctical use of my money, and even counter-productive. Pad Rob's pocket, so he can plug his ears and sing when I offer him solutions, or improvements. No thanks. I could get the source, and make a modified interpeter that does what I want, but then I might not be able to use everyone elses code. The source is also crippled, so I can't even distribute my modified version for others to use. Of course I can distribute it, but who's going to use it? Chris Bensler Code is Alchemy