Re: binary files ,kudos,RE:new to this
- Posted by Derek Parnell <ddparnell at> Jan 28, 2003
On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 20:10:26 -0500, <dubetyrant at> wrote: > > Hey all, > > Could anyone tell me what "binary files" are? I know we can read and > write from them but I am not > sure what they are. Are they for machine code programming? What are their > .ext? What do they > contain? > Also kudos to the archives these days! Especially "Mic", I don't really > understand the stuff > but I think either him or Matt Lewis (through the COM library) are going > to push EUPHORIA > past the "3d barrier". And to "new to this", Euphoria is easy to learn, > probably the best language to learn if you > know absolutely nothing about programming computers. I'm learning C++ in > college now > and its a pain, there are dozens of data types that you have to know, and > you have to make > sure you use the right type in the right place, and all kinds of other > things that make it > complicated(and needlessly so).But I'm way ahead of everyone else in my > class because I > learned how to program with EUPHORIA. But keep plugging away with it, I > first started learning > through a program called "Beginners guide to euphoria", just type the > name in the archives > search box and you should find it, its less than 1 megabyte it should > take about 3-5 minutes > with 56k modem. > JDUBE Strictly speaking a 'binary' file is one that contains non-text characters. Generally, files can be classified as either text or binary. Text files contain only text characters (alphabetic, digits, punctuation, and some special text chars such as TAB, NEWLINE and CARRIGE-RETURN (about 100 or so of the possible 256 different bytes values). Text files are internally organized into lines of text. A line is defined as all the characters up to and including the end-of-line marker. In Microsoft world the end-of-line is a two-byte sequence of CARRIAGE-RETURN and NEWLINE (#0D0A) but in the unix world the EOL is just a single NEWLINE (#0A) byte. Binary files can contain all 256 byte values and their internal structure can be anything at all. In order to understand the contents of a binary file, you need to know its structure first. Examples of binary files are bitmaps (.BMP), music (.MP3) and executable programs (.EXE). Each of these has a structure which is documented and you must use this to understand their contents. Have a look at for a list of standard binary file formats. -- cheers, Derek Parnell