Contest 2 problems...
- Posted by Patrick Barnes <mrtrick at> Dec 09, 2004
I've been saddled with a nasty deadline, and I'm not going to be able to run the contest very well, if at all... that's why I still haven't released the Arena program itself - I've been too busy! If anybody would feel like picking up the reins, then make yourself known... There's not that much work you have to do: - the engine program is (pretty much) rock solid. - I do have all the dev code lying around, and I can continue to advise... - I'm good at commenting. All the code is written carefully, and hopefully clearly. Someone who takes ownership of the contest could: a) finish the arena program, and run the contest as present b) change the way the contest works, such that only the engine program is needed. I'm not particularly happy about the turn of events, but there's not much I can do til after christmas. Alternately, the contest could be shelved until such time as it's ready. I don't mind, either way. -- MrTrick