Treeview Rant !
- Posted by euman at Apr 23, 2002
Hello all, I found what I consider to be a bug in the Treeview control consider this bit of code. -> elsif iMsg = TVN_KEYDOWN then vKey = peek(lParam + 12) --struct tagTVKEYDOWN (WORD wVKey) if vKey = 9 then SetFocus(futurecontrol) elsif vKey = 25 then -- should be shift+tab SetFocus(previouscontrol) end if end if works really good but what if someone wanted to reverse the taborder direction for focus purposes? shift+tab "or" shift = 16 + tab = 9 should be vKey = 25 but this control doesnt handle this in the right way thus returning vKey = 9 you cant go backward from a Treeview control, unless someone can provide a work around... Euman euman at ...if the US Government were ever to get really serious about Internet security, the top players in Microsoft's management hierarchy would find themselves handcuffed, blindfolded, led onto a tarmac within some obscure Air Force base, and shot. -- Thomas C Greene ( Bombs burst in air and the rocket red glare....... Hope this keeps the pricks in charge of spying on the common man a bit of extra work.