Strange things that go click
- Posted by jacktarred at Apr 23, 2002
In my program I have several databases. By making a selection in a list box a person can see the conents of the DB. Each table in the DB creates a tabItem with a LVbox and the contents of the DB are displayed in the LVbox. When I click on the first DB and display it everything works fine. When I show the second DB, things go *wonky*. My program destroys all tabItems from the first display and then creates the new tabItems for displaying the second DB. It then puts the items in the new LVboxes. Here's the interesting part, when I click on an item in the LVbox it changes the contents. It also creates another line entry with an icon only (no additional data after the icon). I reinitialize all my variables before opening the new DB. Any suggestions? Thanks for any help.