Re: A newbie question about get()

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it sounds like you want to prompt for something. try using the following
routines. (i pulled these from library.doc found in the DOC folder)


 Syntax:      include get.e
              a = prompt_number(st, s)

 Description: Prompt the user to enter a number. st is a string of text that
              will be displayed on the screen. s is a sequence of two values
              {lower, upper} which determine the range of values that the
              may enter. If the user enters a number that is less than lower
              greater than upper, he will be prompted again. s can be empty,
              {}, if there are no restrictions.

 Comments:    If this routine is too simple for your needs, feel free to
              it and make your own more specialized version.

 Example 1:

              age = prompt_number("What is your age? ", {0, 150})

 Example 2:

              t = prompt_number("Enter a temperature in Celcius:\n", {})

 See Also:    get, prompt_string


 Syntax:      include get.e
              s = prompt_string(st)

 Description: Prompt the user to enter a string of text. st is a string that
              will be displayed on the screen. The string that the user
              will be returned as a sequence, minus any new-line character.

 Comments:    If the user happens to type control-Z (indicates end-of-file),
              will be returned.


              name = prompt_string("What is your name? ")

 See Also:    gets, prompt_number

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