Ed.bat won't open file
- Posted by Alex Caracatsanis <sunpsych at ncable.com.au> Jun 24, 2007
I've just noticed that with Eu3.1 ed.bat can't open my file (eg MyProg.exw) which is in a folder whose name contains a hard space (eg c:\Eu Projects); so when I try to open c:\Eu Projects\MyProg.exw I see my source code in the editor's window (under c:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe), but then can't run it. I receive an error message: "Can't open c:\Eu.exu" It seems unable to recognise the space in the folder's name, because the problem disappears when I rename the folder to c:\EuProjects\... Is this the expected behaviour? Is there a way around it? I'm using XP. "EUDIR = c:\Euphoria" and "PATH = c:\Euphoria\bin;" Thank you Alex Caracatsanis