detecting windows

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One can use the following function to detect if an euphoria program is
running under windows.
information source : La Bible PC, by Micheal Tischer, Ed. Micro

atom WinVer

function WindowIsRunning()
-- check if euphoria program is running under window
-- return 0 if windows not detected.
sequence r
integer r_AL
  r = repeat(0,10)
  r[REG_AX] = #1600
  r = dos_interrupt(MULTIPLEX,r)
  r_AL = remainder(r[REG_AX],256)
  if r_AL = 1 or r_AL = 255 then
    WinVer = 2.00
    return 1
  elsif  r_AL = 0 or r_AL = #80 then
    r[REG_AX] = #4680
    r = dos_interrupt(MULTIPLEX,r)
    r_AL = remainder(r[REG_AX],256)
    if r_AL = #80 then
        WinVer = 0
        return 0 -- windows not running
        WinVer = 3.00
        return 1
    end if
  else --windows is running in extended mode, version in ax,
    WinVer = r_AL + floor(r[REG_AX]/256)/100
    return 1
  end if
end function  -- WindowIsRunning()

Jacques Deschenes

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