Re: What are you people doing with Euphoria?
- Posted by Daniel Berstein Zimmermann <dberst at CMETNET.CMET.NET> Oct 13, 1996
--------------57C53C247AE3 Michael Packard wrote: > Hey, we need more Euphoria web pages. Seems like there are only > 6 or 7 pages in the whole world. I know there are a LOT of people out > there using euphoria. I saw at least 70 names on this list last time I > checked. SHOW US WHAT YOU'RE DOING WITH IT! Hi everyone, I'm quite new to euphoria, and not yet got my webpage... but here is some code o f mine, it's just a generic menu selector (kind of Clipper's "menu to" but with multiple columns and horizon tal scrolling). Hope you like it... and help improve it. --------------57C53C247AE3 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="menu_eng.e" ---------------- --FUNCTION MENU-- ---------------- --Sintax: -- menu( sequence "items", sequence "options", sequence "colors" ) ---------------- --Parameters: -- "items" --> sequence containing the menu items -- "options" --> sequence with the following menu specifications: -- options[1] = upper row coordinate -- options[2] = left column coordinate -- options[3] = maximum column length -- options[4] = columns width -- options[5] = number of visible columns -- options[6] = light-bar style (0=minimum, 1=complete) -- "colors" --> sequence with menu colors: -- colors[1] = normal foreground -- colors[2] = normal background -- colors[3] = highlighted foreground -- colors[4] = highlighted backgorund ---------------- include graphics.e include file.e include get.e global function menu(sequence items, sequence options, sequence colors) -- Declare variables integer number_of_columns, first_column, last_column integer current_row, current_column, reimprimir sequence video object aux1, aux2 video = video_config() -- Check no item is wider than options[4] for loop = 1 to length(items) do if options[4] < length(items[loop])then options[4] = length(items[loop]) end if end for -- Check if number of visible columns is OK if options[2] + (options[5] * options[4]) > video[VC_COLUMNS] then options[5] = floor((video[VC_COLUMNS] - options[2]) / options[4]) end if -- Check if column length if OK if options[1] + options[3] > video[VC_LINES] then options[3] = video[VC_LINES] - options[1] end if -- Define variables if integer (length(items) / options[3]) then number_of_columns = length(items) / options[3] else number_of_columns = floor(length(items) / options[3]) + 1 end if first_column = 1 last_column = options[5] if last_column > number_of_columns then last_column = number_of_columns options[5] = number_of_columns end if reimprimir = 1 current_column = first_column current_row = 1 -- Main loop while 1 do if first_column < 1 then first_column = 1 reimprimir = 0 end if last_column = first_column + options[5] - 1 if last_column > number_of_columns then last_column = number_of_columns first_column = last_column - options[5] + 1 reimprimir = 0 end if if current_column < first_column then current_column = first_column elsif current_column > last_column then current_column = last_column end if if (options[3] * (current_column - 1) + current_row) > length(items) then current_row = length(items) - (options[3] * (current_column - 1)) end if -- Display visible columns if reimprimir = 1 then reimprimir = 0 aux1 = 0 aux2 = 0 text_color(colors[1]) bk_color(colors[2]) for loop = (options[3] * (first_column - 1) + 1) to (options[3] * (last_column - 1) + options[3]) do position((options[1] + aux1), (options[2] + (aux2 * options[4]))) if loop > length(items) then puts(1, repeat(32, options[4])) else puts(1, items[loop] & repeat(32, options[4] - length(items[loop]))) end if aux1 = aux1 + 1 if aux1 = options[3] then aux1 = 0 aux2 = aux2 + 1 end if end for end if -- Display light-bar text_color(colors[3]) bk_color(colors[4]) position((options[1] + (current_row - 1)), (options[2] + ((current_column - first_column) * options[4]))) if options[6] then puts(1, items[options[3] * (current_column - 1) + current_row] & repeat(32, options[4] - length(items[options[3] * (current_column - 1) + current_row]))) else puts(1, items[options[3] * (current_column - 1) + current_row]) end if -- Wait for a key aux1 = wait_key() -- Hide ligth-bar text_color(colors[1]) bk_color(colors[2]) position((options[1] + (current_row - 1)), (options[2] + ((current_column - first_column) * options[4]))) puts(1, items[options[3] * (current_column - 1) + current_row] & repeat(32, options[4] - length(items[options[3] * (current_column - 1) + current_row]))) -- Check which key was pressed if aux1 = 13 then -- ENTER --> returns selected item's position return (options[3] * (current_column - 1) + current_row) elsif aux1 = 27 then -- ESC --> returns -1, selection canceled return -1 elsif aux1 = 328 then -- Up arrow if current_row - 1 >= 1 then current_row = current_row - 1 elsif current_row - 1 < 1 then if current_column - 1 < first_column then first_column = first_column - 1 reimprimir = 1 end if if current_column > 1 then current_row = options[3] current_column = current_column - 1 end if end if elsif aux1 = 336 then -- Down arrow if current_row + 1 <= options[3] then current_row = current_row + 1 elsif current_row + 1 > options[3] then if current_column + 1 > last_column then first_column = first_column + 1 reimprimir = 1 end if if current_column < number_of_columns then current_row = 1 current_column = current_column + 1 end if end if elsif aux1 = 331 then -- Left arrow if current_column - 1 >= first_column then current_column = current_column - 1 elsif current_column - 1 < first_column then current_column = current_column - 1 first_column = first_column - 1 reimprimir = 1 end if elsif aux1 = 333 then -- Right arrow if current_column + 1 <= last_column then current_column = current_column + 1 elsif current_column + 1 > last_column then current_column = current_column + 1 first_column = first_column + 1 reimprimir = 1 end if end if end while end function --------------57C53C247AE3--