Re: Deeper into the Data

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Ray Smith wrote:

> Interbase comes with a dll library that allows access
> to the DB server.  You need to look at the header file(s)
> "*.h"  that define the routines for this dll.
> Then you have to write wrappers in Euphoria for each
> function that you want to use from Euphoria.

If the Interbase API routines deal with plain C types (char*, int, double),
you might want to take a look at my SWIG/Euphoria program. Instead of
building the wrappers by hand, just copy the prototypes of the functions
that you want into a text file called "interbase.i". Add the command:

   %module interbase

to the top of the file, and then run SWIG with the command:

   swig interbase.i

(or "swig -c++ interbase.i" if the routines happen to be in C++ form). SWIG
will generate a couple of files:

   interbase.e - interface to "interbase.dll"
   interbase_wrap.c - c code to create "interbase.dll"
   interbase_wrap.doc - junk, not supported yet

Have a look at "interbase.e". You will have to change the code where it
interfaces to the dll:

   const dll_interbase = open_dll("interbase.dll")

But other than that, (if you are really lucky) it should have built the
Euphoria wrappers correctly.

If, on the other hand, the API uses a lot of custom structures, constant
values, and so on, you'll have to compile "interbase_wrap.c" into a dll and
rename the DLL to "interbase.dll". In that case, you'll need to take a bit
more care building the interface. You'll need to specify before the
protoypes which files to include:

   include "file1.h"
   include "file2.h"

where "file1.h" and "file2.h" are files you got the prototypes from, etc.
Either way, it's worth a try.

-- David Cuny

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