Win32lib questions...

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Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-description: Mail message body

Heya all!

I'm trying to get these things to work, but unfortunatly, to no avail.

1st, setPenColor, setTextColor, these don't seem to work.
2nd, drawRectangle, drawRoundRectangle, drawPolygon - these
don't seem to work either.

The one I have is "Bleeding Edge" 0.45r

I followed directions, everything seems right (code included), could I
possibly be doing something wrong?


Blessed Be! --"LEVIATHAN"

Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-description: Text from file 'New project2.exw'


-- E:\euphoria\fmj\New project2.exw

-- code generated by EuDesigner v 1.0 Alpha


-- without warning              -- Uncomment after testing!

include win32Lib.ew           -- David Cuny's Win32 Euphoria wrapper

sequence pointset1
sequence pointset2
pointset1 = { {281,166},{223,166},{223,329},{466,329},{466,166},{396,166} }
pointset2 = { {497,166},{480,166},{480,244},{628,244},{628,166},{602,166} }


--                            object declarations                           --


-- newForm

global constant newForm=

  create(Window, "FMJ HUD Designer", 0, 287, 284, 644, 360,  0)
  setWindowBackColor(newForm, 0)
  setIcon(newForm, IDI_APPLICATION)
  setPenColor(newForm, rgb(81,144,0))
--      drawRectangle(newForm, False, 223, 166, 466, 329)
--      drawRectangle(newForm, False, 480, 166, 628, 244)
  setPenWidth(newForm, 3)
  drawPolygon(newForm, False, pointset1)
  drawPolygon(newForm, False, pointset2)
--  setPenColor(newForm, 13520)

-- newFormBitmap2

global constant newFormBitmap2=

  create(Bitmap, "newFormBitmap2", newForm, 0, 0, 640, 134,  0)

  setBitmap(newFormBitmap2, "fmj3.BMP")

-- newFormStatText3

global constant newFormStatText3=

create(CText, "FMJ HUD Designer (Version Plan Alpha 0.00.10)", newForm, 0,
  136, 640, 16,  0)

-- newFormStatText4

global constant newFormStatText4=

  create(LText, "Name of hudfile to load/save:", newForm, 0, 161, 144, 16,  0)

-- newFormEditText5

global constant newFormEditText5=

  create(EditText, "", newForm, 0, 176, 168, 24,  0)

-- newFormButton6

global constant newFormButton6=

  create(PushButton, "Load", newForm, 168, 168, 32, 16,  0)

-- newFormButton7

global constant newFormButton7=

  create(PushButton, "Save", newForm, 168, 184, 32, 16,  0)

-- newFormStatText9

global constant newFormStatText9=

  create(LText, "HUD function:", newForm, 0, 216, 72, 16,  0)

-- newFormRadio10

global constant newFormRadio10=

  create(Radio, "On", newForm, 80, 220, 32, 12,  0)

-- newFormRadio11

global constant newFormRadio11=

  create(Radio, "Off", newForm, 112, 220, 32, 12,  0)

-- newFormStatText12

global constant newFormStatText12=

  create(LText, "HUD Function controls:", newForm, 284, 160, 112, 16,  0)

-- newFormStatText13

global constant newFormStatText13=

  create(LText, "X Position:", newForm, 232, 181, 56, 16,  0)

-- newFormStatText14

global constant newFormStatText14=

  create(LText, "Y Position:", newForm, 232, 206, 56, 16,  0)

-- newFormEditText15

global constant newFormEditText15=

  create(EditText, "", newForm, 288, 180, 56, 20,  0)

-- newFormEditText16

global constant newFormEditText16=

  create(EditText, "", newForm, 288, 204, 56, 20,  0)

-- newFormStatText17

global constant newFormStatText17=

  create(LText, "X Size:", newForm, 232, 234, 56, 16,  0)

-- newFormStatText18

global constant newFormStatText18=

  create(LText, "Y Size:", newForm, 232, 261, 56, 16,  0)

-- newFormEditText19

global constant newFormEditText19=

  create(EditText, "", newForm, 288, 232, 56, 20,  0)

-- newFormEditText20

global constant newFormEditText20=

  create(EditText, "xryi", newForm, 288, 260, 56, 20,  0)

-- newFormStatText21

global constant newFormStatText21=

  create(LText, "Shader/Graphic:", newForm, 244, 284, 80, 16,  0)

-- newFormEditText22

global constant newFormEditText22=

  create(EditText, "fksh", newForm, 228, 304, 112, 20,  0)

-- newFormRadio25

global constant newFormRadio25=

  create(Radio, "X Value", newForm, 485, 208, 56, 16,  0)

-- newFormRadio26

global constant newFormRadio26=

  create(Radio, "Y Value", newForm, 485, 224, 56, 16,  0)

-- newFormButton27

global constant newFormButton27=

  create(PushButton, "Help!", newForm, 8, 272, 80, 16,  0)

-- newFormStatText27

global constant newFormStatText27=

  create(LText, "(HUD Bars Use Only:)", newForm, 498, 160, 104, 16,  0)

-- newFormStatText28

global constant newFormStatText28=

  create(LText, "Pixels Per Value:", newForm, 488, 180, 56, 24,  0)

-- newFormEditText29

global constant newFormEditText29=

  create(EditText, "", newForm, 546, 179, 40, 24,  0)

-- newFormRadio30

global constant newFormRadio30=

  create(Radio, "Horizontal Bar", newForm, 546, 208, 82, 15,  0)

-- newFormRadio31

global constant newFormRadio31=

  create(Radio, "Vertical Bar", newForm, 546, 224, 81, 16,  0)

-- newFormButton32

global constant newFormButton32=

  create(PushButton, "Configure", newForm, 8, 288, 80, 16,  0)

-- newFormButton33

global constant newFormButton33=

  create(PushButton, "About", newForm, 88, 272, 80, 16,  0)

-- newFormButton34

global constant newFormButton34=

  create(PushButton, "Exit", newForm, 88, 288, 80, 16,  0)

-- newFormComboBox34

global constant newFormComboBox34=

  create(DropDownList, "", newForm, 0, 232, 168, 21,  0)

-- newFormStatText34

global constant newFormStatText34=

  create(LText, "Red", newForm, 362, 219, 64, 13,  0)

-- newFormStatText35

global constant newFormStatText35=

  create(LText, "Green", newForm, 362, 243, 65, 13,  0)

-- newFormStatText36

global constant newFormStatText36=

  create(LText, "Blue", newForm, 362, 267, 65, 13,  0)

-- newFormStatText37

global constant newFormStatText37=

  create(LText, "Transparency", newForm, 360, 292, 68, 13,  0)

-- newFormEditText38

global constant newFormEditText38=

  create(EditText, "", newForm, 428, 216, 36, 20,  0)

-- newFormEditText39

global constant newFormEditText39=

  create(EditText, "", newForm, 428, 240, 36, 20,  0)

-- newFormEditText40

global constant newFormEditText40=

  create(EditText, "", newForm, 428, 264, 36, 20,  0)

-- newFormEditText41

global constant newFormEditText41=

  create(EditText, "", newForm, 428, 288, 36, 20,  0)

-- newFormStatText42

global constant newFormStatText42=

  create(CText, "Color Control", newForm, 362, 192, 102, 13,  0)

WinMain(newForm, Normal)

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