Tommy Carlier's win32dib library problem
- Posted by DB James <larches at> Jun 12, 2007
Hi, I have been experimenting with the key function in this library: newDib() and am having no luck. According to the documentation the handle to the new bitmap file is the first item in a returned sequence. [Begin docs quote] Creating and deleting a bitmap A Win32Dib-bitmap is a sequence of length 7: * dib[DibHandle] is the bitmap handle (integer) you can use in Win32Lib-routines. * dib[DibMemory] is the address (atom) of the memory block of the bitmap. * dib[DibWidth] is the width of the bitmap in pixels. * dib[DibHeight] is the height of the bitmap in pixels. * dib[DibBytesPerLine] is the amount of bytes per line of the bitmap. * dib[DibBytesTotal] is the total amount of bytes of the bitmap. * dib[DibPadding] is the amount of bytes of padding after each scanline. [End docs quote] However, the first item is actually a huge number -- an atom. It causes a type-check failure. As far as I know, I have the latest version of the library. Tommy..? Or anyone get this to work? --Quark