Re: help with normal windows font....[correction]
- Posted by Mike Sabal <MikeS at NOTATIONS.COM> Aug 11, 2000
In order to get the fading you want, you'll have to change the onPaint procedure. Eventually, you'll probably be wanting to parse it into different levels depending on the screen you want to paint. I don't have time to actually write and test the code, but I can give you a pseudocode example: if level = 1 then for color = 255 to 0 by -5 do setPosition(win,95,150) setTextColor(win,rgb(0,color,0)) setFont(win,"Arial",14,1) wPuts( win, "Aetheorraent Presents" ) end for elsif level = 2 then -- do the same thing with an increasing for loop to fade in -- the second set of text else -- probably your main code would go here end if HTH, Michael J. Sabal BTW: I'm 28, have been using Euphoria since '94, have written several commercial-strength applications in Euphoria for my company, but also use Business Basic (BBX/PRO5), Java, Perl, and VBA on a regular basis. I started out at 9 yrs old with a Tandy CoCo, moved on to a TRS-80 Model 30 w/ 48K RAM (I loved that machine!), T1K, and a Toshiba laptop. Now I manage 150 users w/4 Novell servers & 1 HP-UX server. Rob: Any plans for an HP-UX port? >>> FFUltimateMaster at CS.COM 08/11/00 12:15PM >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- global procedure onPaint_win( integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2 ) setPosition( win, 95, 150 ) setTextColor(win,Green) setFont( win, "Arial", 14, 1) wPuts( win, "Aetheorraent Presents" ) end procedure onPaint[win] = routine_id( "onPaint_win" ) setWindowBackColor(win, BLACK) procedure Close() closeWindow(win) end procedure onClick[quit] = routine_id("Close") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WinMain(win,Normal)