Re: Muha[etc] and whatnot

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Euphoria's main attraction, IMO, is its ease of use. Yeah, ok, sure, you =
can't write hyperfast, corner-cutting, insanely optimized code for R3000 =
etc processors (Playstations etc?), but... so what? It's not meant to do =
that, just like forks aren't meant for use with soup. You could do it, bu=
t there's a better and more "optimized" way ;)

Besides, most _self-respecting_ console programmers would use low-level l=
anguages like pure assembler and C anyhow.

The deal is, as many people often point out, you can't use a certain lang=
uage for everything. Writing quick and dirty "scripts" in (V)C++ isn't so=
mething I'd set out to do any time soon. Writing a database for a multina=
tional bank might not be Euphoria's cup of tea. Prolog and Lisp are extre=
mely good for AI and neural nets, but you wouldn't set out doing games in=
 either one of them.
Euphoria (tries to be, at least) is an all-round language good for a mult=
itude of purposes as has been successfully demonstrated by the RDS Archiv=
es, but some things are still out of its scope, which is just fine.

God, this is starting to remind me of comp.lang.misc where people habitua=
lly seem to break out in flame wars about the use of languages :)

I just tend to think that wars like this are somewhat pointless, since it=
's impossible to desing a language that would please the whole gamut of p=
rogrammers from the beginner to the hard-core caffeine-addicted wizard wh=
o lapses into catatonia when he loses precious milliseconds in a loop.

Mr. Ice, whoever the man behind the pseudonym is, can't be a very experie=
nced programmer. He goes on complaining about how EU can't be used on SGI=
's, consoles, hand-helds and whatnot, but for the Invisible Pink Unicorn'=
s (pbuh) sake, why would we want to? Most SGI's have a flavor of un*x ins=
talled, which leads to the (nearly) automatic existence of (gasp!) Perl, =
which is just as handy with quick kluges. For more serious stuff, one wou=
ld probably use C or the like, but that's still not the point.
Euphoria isn't C, doesn't want to be C, and will never be C. C is hard to=
 use, old-fashioned, C++ has (according to most "experts") a bad implemen=
tation of OOD and is even harder to use, and last but not least the comme=
rcial design enviroments for C++ are freaking HUGE. Visual C++ Studio see=
ms to take 251Mbytes, NOT COUNTING ANY OF THE PROJECTS, of my hd at this =
moment, which, compared to the 10 or so megabytes of Euphoria which inclu=
des lots and lots of sources, extra libraries, text files and who knows w=
hat else.

So, "Drake," as many of us have already suggested, why don't you bugger o=
ff if you don't have anything useful to say? I'm glad you pointed out the=
 speed issues and all that, but the way you presented them in was less th=
an commendable. Your spelling was horrible and you repeatedly insulted ev=
erybody else's intellect, and generally made an ass of yourself.

Now, this pathetic, gullible, brainwashed asshole nerd kid is going away =
from the computer for a couple of days to swim in a lake and drink beer a=
nd vodka after sitting in a sauna. Ah, the joys of summer ;)
What a shame it's almost over.

--Tom "Uses floats for currency calculations" Ekl=F6f

Voita Palm V k=E4mmenmikro!

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