- Posted by Matthew Lewis <MatthewL at KAPCOUSA.COM> Aug 04, 2000
I got tooltips working. Turned out all I had to do was add WS_EX_TOPMOST--the tooltips were being displayed behind the window. :( But, they work now, and it's a lot simpler than before. The interface is actually the same, with one addition: setFont() can be used to change the tooltip font. Just make sure that you've created at least one tooltip prior to changing the font, since win32lib won't create the tooltip control until you do (one tooltip control can handle any number of tooltips). Just use tooltipControl as the control's id when calling setFont(). Just don't try to set a tip for anything that's not an actual control, like rebarbands or tabitems, because it won't work. Oh, and I ripped out all the emulation code. :) As always, you can get it at: Matt Lewis PS Lee, I fixed the MonthCalendar demo...