Re: good and bad news (object)

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Ferdinand Greyling wrote:

> All I want to know is how to press a key and then
> the object on the screen moves.

OK, here's an example. It's just about the same as you would write in in
QBasic. The


routine is the same as ASC(INKEY$()). The code should be pretty

-- David Cuny

-- the cursor() statement
include graphics.e

integer key, x, y, newX, newY, updated

-- force the screen to update
updated = 1

-- position of the 'ship'
x = 10
y = 10

-- these duplicate x and y
newX = x
newY = y

    -- key codes
    None   = -1,
    Esc     = 27,
    Up      = 328,
    Down    = 336,
    Left    = 331,
    Right   = 333,

    -- screen limits
    MinX    = 1,
    MaxX    = 25,
    MinY    = 1,
    MaxY    = 64,

    -- true and false
    True    = 1,
    False   = 0

-- erase the screen

-- hide cursor
cursor( NO_CURSOR )

-- infinite loop; press Esc to exit
while 1 do

    -- get a key
    key = get_key()

    -- translate the key
    if key = None then
        -- no key press, ignore

    elsif key = Esc then
        -- break key, leave loop

    elsif key = Up then
        -- up key, move up if there's room
        if x > MinX then
            newX = x - 1
            updated = True
        end if

    elsif key = Down then
        -- down key, move down if there's room
        if x < MaxX then
            newX = x + 1
            updated = True
        end if

    elsif key = Left then
        -- left key, move left if there's room
        if y > MinY then
            newY = y - 1
            updated = True
        end if

    elsif key = Right then
        -- right key, move right if there's room
        if y < MaxY then
            newY = y + 1
            updated = True
        end if

        -- key isn't handled
        -- display it for debugging
        position( 1, 1 )
        ? key

    end if

    -- need to redraw the screen?
    if updated = True then

        -- erase old image
        position( x, y )
        puts( 1, "     " )

        -- get the new position
        x = newX
        y = newY

        -- draw new image
        position( x, y )
        puts( 1, "<-*->" )

        -- clear the update screen flag
        updated = False

    end if

end while

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